Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India
March 2, 2007
CropBiotech Update
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT) has reintroduced the cultivation of the
perennial legume pigeonpea in China. From only 50 hectares in
1999 in two provinces, cultivation has spread to 100,000
hectares in 12 provinces in 2006.
The partnership between ICRISAT and China has shown very
encouraging results and the pigeonpea crop can be seen growing
under diverse geographical conditions. This quality has been
used to a great extent in southern China, where more than 90
percent of the area is hilly.
Dr KB Saxena, ICRISAT's
principal pigeonpea breeder, says that the Institute’s improved
varieties have restarted cultivation which stopped in recent
decades. Interestingly, Chinese farmers have also found diverse
uses for the crop - prevention of soil erosion, crop
diversification, fodder for cattle, feed for fishes, as a
substrate for mushroom cultivation and lac production, as a
vegetable, and for the preparation of food products.
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