Salinas, California
July 23, 2007
Effective immediately,
INCOTEC, Integrated Coating and
Seed Technology, Inc., in Salinas, California will be
offering a new Snapdragon pellet to the flower industry.
This new pellet will be in the
INCOTEC/FST technology called “Splash and Grow”.
The “Splash and Grow”
pellet is an innovative new pellet that offers extremely fast
melting characteristics for improved emergence and enhanced
visibility in plug trays.
Gerard Denny, INCOTEC’s Integrated Product Specialist states
“growers that have used this new pellet are particularly pleased
with the plantability and seedling emergence in their
greenhouses”. Greenhouse test conducted on this new Snapdragon
pellet confirms the superiority of this new pellet.
INCOTEC is a worldwide leader in coating and seed technology
serving the vegetable, ornamental, turf and agronomic seed
business. For more information about INCOTEC, go to |