January 12, 2007
New Mexico State University
Professor Emeritus Arden Baltensperger received the 2006 Fred V.
Grau Turfgrass Science Award presented at the Crop Science
Society of America annual meetings.
"It's great to receive this career award for our turfgrass
research and development," Baltensperger said. "I'm indebted to
many students and especially graduate students who contributed
so much to our plant breeding and variety development program
(in the 1980s and 1990s). I think this reflects well on NMSU.
"This university has been so good to our family - my wife,
Elsie, and I and our four children," Baltensperger said. "All
four of our children and one grandchild have attended or are
attending here."
The meetings, held in conjunction with the American Society of
Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, took place Nov.
12-16 in Indianapolis.
Baltensperger is a professor emeritus of agronomy in the Plant
and Environmental Sciences Department at NMSU and a consultant
to Pennington/Seeds West. Baltensperger has served as head of
the agronomy department at NMSU and was president of ASA in
His recent research has been primarily on the genetics, breeding
and development of seed-propagated turf-type Bermuda grass
resulting in cultivars with wide acceptance. His first variety,
"NuMex Sahara," has generated more than $1 million in royalties
to the NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station and the U.S. Golf
Association, which helped finance the research. His most recent
release, "Princess 77," was the first dense, fine-textured,
seed-propagated intraspecific hybrid Bermuda grass.
Baltensperger's link to agronomy goes back more than 65 years.
"My interest in agronomy started in about 1940 after visiting
with a neighbor's son who was attending the University of
Nebraska," Baltensperger said. "Our family was just recovering
from the Dust Bowl days and the Great Depression. Agriculture,
especially in Western Nebraska, was almost a dirty word.
"However, my parents never questioned us six children going to
college, no matter how poor, so I started in agronomy that
fall," he said. Baltensperger went on to earn his bachelor's and
master's degrees from the University of Nebraska, despite a
four-year interruption while serving in the Army.
"I liked the genetics and plant breeding aspect so much that
Elsie and I spent four years at Iowa State University getting a
Ph.D.," he said.
Several aspects of his career have been very rewarding,
Baltensperger said.
"College teaching at four universities and advising graduate
students, primarily at NMSU, and then watching them develop and
contribute is very rewarding," he said. "Helping to get the
first Ph.D. programs started in the Ag college, while department
head here, and helping develop the Leyendecker Plant Science
Research Center rank high."
Baltensperger has taught courses in crop science, plant breeding
and/or turfgrass science at four universities. His former
graduate students hold prestigious positions at universities and
in industry. He has served as a major professor for graduate
students at the University of Arizona and NMSU and authored or
co-authored 98 papers in refereed journals, chapters in books
and technical and non-technical publications. Baltensperger was
instrumental in establishing a Ph.D. program in agronomy at NMSU
in the early 1970s, which was one of the first in the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics. While serving as agronomy
department head, he was primarily responsible for developing
NMSU's Leyendecker Plant Science Research Center as a soil and
plant research facility.
Baltensperger has been honored by many state, national and
international organizations. He is a fellow in the Crop Science
Society of America and the American Society of Agronomy and
served as president of both the Western Society of Crop Science
and the American Society of Agronomy. He was president of the
International Honorary Agricultural Society - Gamma Sigma Delta,
and was the first president of the New Mexico chapter.
In 2005, the Southwest Turfgrass Association established the
Arden Baltensperger Lifetime Achievement Award in his honor. He
recently received the Breeders Cup from the Turfgrass Breeders
Association for the development of Princess 77.
The Fred V. Grau Turfgrass Science Award recognizes significant
career contributions in turfgrass science during the most recent
15 years and is supported by gifts from the Grau family to the
Agronomic Science Foundation.
ASA, CSSA and SSSA are educational organizations helping their
11,000-plus members advance the disciplines and practices of
agronomy, crop and soil sciences by supporting professional
growth and science policy initiatives, and by providing quality,
research-based publications, and a variety of member services.