Calgary, Canada
January 12, 2007
SemBioSys Genetics Inc.
(TSX:SBS), a biotechnology company developing a broad pipeline
of protein-based pharmaceuticals and non-pharmaceutical
products, today announced that its proprietary plant-produced
insulin has been demonstrated in animal models to be chemically,
structurally and functionally equivalent to U.S. pharma grade
human insulin. The results of analytical, in vitro and in vivo
assays confirm that insulin produced in safflower, SemBioSys’
commercial crop, is indistinguishable from human insulin
analytically and physiologically.
“Establishing insulin equivalence is the second major scientific
milestone from our insulin program in the past six months. By
exceeding our commercial target levels of human insulin
accumulation in safflower last July and now confirming that
safflower-produced insulin is physiologically equivalent to
human insulin we believe we have substantially lowered the
scientific risk of our insulin program,” said Andrew Baum,
President and CEO. “As a result of these achievements we expect
that we will be able to submit an Investigational New Drug
Application (IND) later this year and initiate a
Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic study of safflower-produced
insulin late in the fourth quarter of 2007 or early in the first
quarter of 2008, leading to an end of Phase II meeting with the
FDA in 2008.”
SemBioSys has confirmed the equivalence of safflower-produced
insulin through analytical, in vitro, and in vivo animal assays.
Chemical and structural authenticity have been confirmed through
mass spectrometry and peptide fingerprint analysis.
Functionality of safflower-produced insulin has been
demonstrated using in vitro receptor phosphorylation assays,
confirming biological activity in human cells. Finally,
SemBioSys has demonstrated functional equivalence through
conducting insulin tolerance testing in mice, which monitors
blood glucose levels as the assay variable, confirming that
there is no statistically significant difference in the
pharmacodynamic response of safflower-produced insulin in
comparison to Eli Lilly’s Humulin® and U.S.P. insulin
“The equivalence results demonstrate that we have done what we
said we were going to do, when we said we would do it, which
continues to build our confidence in the insulin program. With
the achievement of commercial levels of insulin accumulation in
safflower and confirmation of equivalence, our ability to
execute continues to be critically important, however, the
overall insulin program risk has now been significantly reduced.
Insulin is a well-characterized compound for which a great deal
of data already exists. With these high-risk scientific
achievements behind us, we now transition to the execution stage
of our clinical development plan for insulin,” said Mr. Baum.
The results from the equivalence testing are the most recent
achievement in a series of four significant milestones events
for the insulin program. In July 2006, SemBioSys exceeded its
target level of insulin accumulation in safflower. In November,
SemBioSys signed an agreement with Cangene Corporation to purify
safflower-produced insulin from SemBioSys’ seed lines under cGMP
for clinical trials. Finally, earlier this month SemBioSys
announced that after meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) it would proceed with an abbreviated
regulatory path for safflower-produced insulin under a 505(b)(2)
application. The Company expects to be in a position to submit
an IND to the FDA in the second half of 2007 and to initiate a
PK/PD bioequivalence study in late 2007 or early 2008 to be
followed by a Phase III study in support of an NDA.
Demand for insulin for the treatment of diabetes reached an
estimated 5,000 to 6,000 kilograms in 2005 and is projected to
increase to 16,000 kilograms by 2012. Demand for insulin is
expected to grow due to a number of issues including; earlier
diagnosis of diabetes; increased diabetes incidence in the
developed world due to demographic trends, as well as
consumption and behavioural habits; increasing incidence in the
developing world due to increasing affluence and changing
dietary habits; new alternative delivery methods that require
between five and ten times the amount of insulin as injection
methods; and the use of insulin as a treatment for type 2
diabetes patients earlier in the treatment protocol as
recommended by the consensus statement from the American
Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study
of Diabetes.
SemBioSys believes its safflower-produced insulin can reduce
capital costs compared to existing insulin manufacturing by up
to 70% and product costs by 40% or more. Insulin currently
produced using fermentation is estimated to require $200 to $250
million in capital investment for 1,000 kilograms of production
capacity. In addition, because of the ease in scaling-up crop
acreage, plant-produced insulin offers significant improvements
in the flexibility and speed of scale-up. SemBioSys has five
years of experience growing transgenic safflower in Canada, the
U.S., Mexico and Chile under permits issued by the pertinent
regulatory authorities.
Calgary, Alberta-based SemBioSys Genetics Inc. is a
biotechnology company focused on the development,
commercialization and production of biopharmaceuticals and
non-pharmaceutical products based on its plant genetic
engineering skills and proprietary oilbody-oleosin technology
platform – the Stratosome™ Biologics System. Its two lead
pharmaceutical product candidates are insulin and a
developmental stage cardiovascular drug called Apo AI. It also
has a series of non-pharmaceutical products addressing animal
and aquaculture health, nutritional oils and human topical
markets. |