Columbus, Ohio
January 10, 2007
There’s more to the economics of
continuous corn production than simply cashing in on potentially
higher corn prices generated by growing ethanol demand. Growers
should take the time to weigh those factors before making any
decision to switch production practices.
Barry Ward, an Ohio State
University Extension economist, said that taking the plunge
into continuous corn production from the standard corn-soybean
rotation requires extensive budgeting of challenges growers may
face from planting through harvest.
“Higher corn prices have many wondering if planting more corn
acres this season might not be a bad idea. But are prices high
enough to trigger a switch that will change a grower’s crop
rotations and have other long-term effects?” said Ward. “The
question many growers have to ask themselves is, ‘Will corn
after corn net more than the more common rotation of soybeans
after corn’"?
Ward said there are many economic factors that growers should
take into consideration when deciding to rotate into continuous
corn production. They include:
Yield impacts.
Typically, second-year corn yields 6 percent to 10 percent
less than first-year corn, and if the crop is not grown in
highly productive soil, the yield loss could be even higher.
nitrogen inputs. Growers will have to apply more nitrogen to
second-year corn because of the nutrients normally made
available by soybeans would be lost. Ward estimates that an
additional 30 pounds to 40 pounds of nitrogen would be
needed in a continuous corn situation.
protection from insects and diseases. Growers may be faced
with additional fungicide and insecticide costs for rootworm
control and disease pressures.
challenges. “Do farmers have the financial capacity to make
the switch?” said Ward. “Corn takes more money upfront to
get planted, and takes more time, labor, and equipment to
manage than soybeans.” Some factors growers should consider
include: increased combine capacity and machinery costs;
more manpower and trucking at harvest; and more storage and
drying capacity.
Extra field
time. With continuous corn production, extra field time may
be required to scout for insects and diseases.
Despite the management challenges
and potential added costs of continuous corn production, some
savings exist that support the switch from soybeans to corn,
including the lack of chemical applications that may be needed
for soybean aphid or soybean rust.
Ward recommends that growers pencil out their costs from
operating expenses to production challenges based on their own
price, yield and cost projections when deciding to make the
switch to continuous corn production.
“Most growers are not taking the big plunge from soybeans
straight into corn. Many are just rolling a small percentage of
their soybean acreage, 5 percent to 25 percent, into corn
production,” said Ward. “This year, I think growers are just
going to test the waters and see what the results turn out to
be. They need to decide if time, dollars and commitment relative
to their net return is worth it.”
For more information on budgeting for continuous corn
production, log on to OSU Extension's Ag Manager newsletter at |