Brookings, South Dakota
January 2, 2007
Authorized Sampler Program
Mid-West Seed
Services, Inc. (MWSS) is the only ISTA-accredited laboratory
in the United States that offers authorized sampler
certification for seed samplers at private companies and
public agencies. Once your company sampler becomes
authorized they are allowed to sample for Orange
Certificates, are automatically recognized by Canada and are
authorized to take samples for OECD testing. This allows
your staff member to draw a sample real-time and OECD, which
is very beneficial for real-time sampling and faster
shipments. To learn more about having your staff trained as
authorized samplers please visit the Seed Sampler section at
Who should attend?
Seed sampling
personnel, seed sampler supervisors, seed exporters, state
agency samplers, seed laboratory staff, and QA managers.
What will be gained?
will gain training in proper seed sampling techniques.
Participants who successfully complete the course and pass
the written (open book) and practical examination with an
80% score will have completed the first step required for
sampling for ISTA Orange, Green Certificates and OECD
certificates. The workshop will cover sampling requirements
published in the AOSA Rules for Testing Seeds, CFIA Canadian
Methods and Procedures for Seed Testing and the ISTA
International Rules for Seed Testing.
What are the requirements for
an authorized sampler collecting samples for ISTA certificates
issued by Mid-West Seed Services, Inc.?
Sampler must
attend a MWSS seed sampler workshop or equivalent workshop
and achieve an 80% score in examinations.
Sampler must
draw samples in accordance with ISTA rules and complete the
necessary Quality Record associated with each sampled seed
Samplers will
need to participate in seed sampling continuing education,
including an approved one–day seed sampler workshop once
every three years following initial authorization.
What is the advantage to my
company of having an authorized sampler on staff?
Save time in
scheduling sampling.
Be able to
sample for Orange, Green Certificates and OECD Certificates
for your export shipments, saving time and the chance of
delays or returned shipments.
Sample seed
for OECD testing.
Reduce the
guessing game of which set of seed testing rules to use on
seed planned for export. All countries will accept Orange
Certificates including Canada, Mexico, Korea, Turkey and
(Training Certificate) that your sampler has received third
party training, which may be useful documentation for export
shipment paperwork.
Can we send one person to be
trained, and they in turn, train other personnel at our company
to be certified samplers?
places the responsibility for training the samplers on
laboratories. By completing training at an approved workshop
and passing a written (open book) and practical test, MWSS
is assured that the samplers are properly trained.
AOSA, ISTA, and Canadian sampling rules will be reviewed, as
will sampling methods, sealing seed lots, subdividing
samples and a review of ISTA certificates. Participants will
use sampling probes, seed dividers, and calculate sampling
intensities during day one. On the second day participants
will take a written exam (open book) and complete a
practical examination. Participants completing the workshop
will be taking the first step towards accreditation to
sample for ISTA certificates.
This workshop is an excellent education experience for
anyone sampling seed, regardless if it’s being exported.
Workshop typically concludes by noon on the second day.
Registration Fee:
$250 per
person. Registrations received at least 21 days prior to
first day of workshop may deduct $50 Early Registration
Space is limited.
Mid-West Seed Services, Inc.
Being an
ISTA-accredited seed laboratory allows MWSS to issue ISTA
Orange and Blue Certificates. The laboratory testing and
authorized sampler program at MWSS are recognized by Canada
and throughout the world.
Orange Certificates
MWSS can issue
ISTA Orange Certificates on seed lots being exported. ISTA
Orange certificates may be considered a “seed passport”
because they are recognized worldwide by custom officials at
the ports. Orange Certificates do require sampling by an
authorized seed sampler.
Blue Certificates
Certificates are especially helpful when moving seed into
Canada. The agricultural border official must recognize ISTA
certificates, as required by the Canadian Food Inspection
Agency (CFIA). MWSS places the relevant grade table
information in the remarks section of the Blue Certificate.
The Grading Worksheet containing the seed lot’s grade is
also attached, which helps expedite the seed’s movement. The
MWSS seed laboratory is recognized by Canada and we are
currently pursuing grader accreditation for pedigreed seed.