St. Paul, Minnesota
February 5, 2007Source:
Minnesota Crop eNews
Traits – Are They Increasing
Corn Yields?
D. R. Hicks, T.R. Hoverstad, and J.L. Gunsolus
Dept of Agronomy and Plant Genetics,
University of Minnesota
Corn yields have continued to go up and many give credit to the
new corn traits for these yield increases. We sorted data from
the southern and central zones of the 2006 Minnesota Corn
Performance tests to determine the effect of herbicide
resistance- and Bt-traits on yields. At the outset, we should
point out that these comparisons confound genetics and traits.
However, it’s valid to make these comparisons because a grower
is interested in the yield potential of the combination of
genetics and traits. And the large number of hybrids in most
categories gives validity to the conclusions.
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