Brussels, Belgium
February 8, 2007
At a public hearing in the
European Parliament organised by MEPs Christa Klaß and Erna
Hennicot-Schoepges, the European
Crop Protection Association (ECPA) today called on
stakeholders to support a new plant protection marketing
regulation that stimulates innovation in new products essential
for the production of safe healthy food and sustainable farming.
A proposal for a new plant protection marketing regulation was
submitted by the European Commission to MEPs last year aimed at
improving public health and the environment. But there are
concerns that the proposals could have a negative effect on
sustainability, competitiveness and innovation in farming and
the food chain.
ECPA supports good science based regulation but certain
provisions in the proposal abandon this key principle. The
Commission's proposal will also reduce Member States'
flexibility in the approval process and create additional
barriers, such as weaker data protection rules, that will reduce
the industry's incentive to invest in new, better targeted and
more effective plant protection products.
ECPA Director General Friedhelm Schmider said: "Our industry is
constantly foccused on producing better plant protection
products which are fundamental to the production of safe,
healthy, and affordable food for consumers"
In addition ECPA reconfirmed it's strong support for the goals
of the new framework directive on the sustainable use of
pesticides with a view to measures which will further reduce
potential risks associated with the application of plant
protection products. These measures should start where action
can be taken most effectively, namely initiatives aiming at
improving use practices.
Today's political debate shows the important role MEPs will need
to play in shaping new legislation regulating the authorisation
and use of plant protection products in order to secure high
quality afordable food for a growing population and avoid
competitive disadvantages for European farmers on the the world
market. |