El Batán, Mexico
January 2007
Source: CIMMYT E-News, vol
4 no.
1, January 2007
Farmers and community leaders in
Kenya’s most densely-populated region have organized to produce
and sell seed of a maize variety so well-suited for smallholders
that distant peers in highland Nepal have also selected it.
According to Paul Okong’o, retired school teacher and leader of
Technology Adoption through Research Organizations (TATRO),
Ochur Village, Western Kenya, farmers first disliked the maize
whose seed he and group members are producing. “It has small
grains, and they thought this would reduce its market value,” he
explains. “But when you sowed the seed, which looked small, what
came out of it was not small!”
Small-scale maize farmers of the Regional Agricultural
Association Group (RAAG), another community-based organization
in Western Kenya, have quintupled their yields in only one
year—now obtaining more than 2 tons of maize grain per
hectare—using seed, fertilizer, and training from TATRO,
according to RAAG coordinator, David Mukungu. “This has meant
that, besides having enough to eat, farmers were able to sell
something to cover children’s school fees or other expenses,”
says Mukungu. “We started with six farmers the first year, but
after other farmers saw the harvest, the number using the
improved seed and practices increased to thirty, and we expect
it will continue increasing.”
The variety whose seed TATRO grows is called Kakamega
Synthetic-I. It is an open-pollinated variety—a type often
preferred over hybrids by cash-strapped smallholders, because
they can save grain from the harvest and sow it as seed the
following year, without losing its high yield or other desirable
traits. The variety is also drought tolerant, matures earlier
than other local varieties, and is better for making Kenyan’s
favorite starchy staple, ugali. “Women say it ‘pulls’ the water,
which means you don’t need much maize flour to make a good,
heavy ugali,” Okong’o explains. “These things seem small, but
when taken together they weigh a lot for farmers who eat ugali
as a daily staple.”
A maize that crosses many borders
Kakamega Synthetic-I was released by the KARI research station
in Kakamega, Kenya. Its pedigree traces back to the work of
CIMMYT and many partners in southern and eastern Africa—national
maize research programs, private companies, and non-government
organizations—to develop stress tolerant maize for the region’s
smallholders. “Kakamega Synthetic I was selected from ZM621, a
long-season, drought tolerant, open-pollinated variety now
released in several African countries,” says Marianne Bänziger,
CIMMYT maize physiologist who took part in the creation of ZM621
and now serves as director of the center’s Global Maize Program.
“The variety has also been released in Nepal, after small-scale
farmers from the mid-hills chose it as one of their favorites in
participatory varietal trials.” Bänziger says. This highlights
the role of a global organization like CIMMYT, which can draw
upon and distribute public goods and expertise transcending
national borders: “The center was predicated upon and has
practiced collaborative science ‘globalization’ for agricultural
development since its inception four decades ago—long before
that term became fashionable in policy circles.”
Finding and filling entrepreneurial niches
By reducing risk for small-scale farmers, varieties like
Kakamega Synthetic-I encourage investment in other amendments,
like fertilizer, that can start smallholders on an upward spiral
out of low-input, subsistence agriculture. Good varieties also
entice enterprising farmers and community-based organizations
like TATRO into potentially profitable businesses like seed
production, for niches inadequately served by existing
companies. “We observe the seed production regulations of the
KEPHIS, the Kenyan plant health inspectorate, and would like to
work toward certification of our organization, to be able to
sell certified seed in labeled packages and fetch better
prices,” says Okong’o. TATRO is currently producing and
marketing just under 2 tons of Kakamega Synthetic-I—enough to
sow more than 70 hectares—each year. The lack of effective
informal seed production and distribution systems limits the
spread of improved open pollinated maize varieties and farming
practices in eastern Africa, according to
Stephen Mugo. CIMMYT maize
breeder in the region, Mugo also coordinated the former,
Rockefeller Foundation-funded project “Strengthening maize seed
supply systems for small-scale farmers in Western Kenya and
Uganda” that involved TATRO and similar farmer organizations.
“Improved varieties raised yields in the past and could do so
again,” he says, “but only about one-fifth of the region’s
farmers grow improved varieties.”
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of the Clouds" |