Brookings, South Dakota
February 2, 2007
Mid-West Seed Services announces that it is addressing the
needs of the native seed industry by providing customer driven
information on the seed analysis reports. The needs of the
various segments of the native seed industry are widely
different depending upon if they are the seller, the
agricultural consumer, or the reclamation and revegetation
industry. The information provided to each of these segments on
the analysis report needs to fulfill all their needs and enable
them to make an informed decision about their seed.
The joint Industry/Government/AOSA/SCST Native Seeds Task Force
has been studying problems in the native seed industry for two
years. The Task Force goal is how to provide more uniformity in
Native seed industry for labeling, testing, and marketing. As an
outreach effort of this, a selected group has developed
recommendations to AOSA/SCST for changes to the suggested format
of the seed analysis report.
Mid-West Seed Services as well as certain other labs has been
providing this information on their seed analysis reports for
several years. MWSS will be incorporating additional statements
of clarification of testing methods, treatments applied, and
dormant seed evaluations into their standard analysis report.
As either the seed producer or the seed consumer, you need to
make sure the seed testing laboratory where you test your seed
provides you information that allows you to make an intelligent
informed decision about your seed. Mid-West Seed Services, Inc.
seed analysis report does. |