Woodland, California
November 2, 2007
Cal/West Seeds has
obtained two patents (US Patent No. 7,288,697 and 7,288,698)
that apply to four varieties of StandFast® alfalfa. The
invention and development of StandFast® alfalfa is a significant
accomplishment that has been well received and adopted by
alfalfa hay producers. Farmers who grow StandFast® alfalfa
recognize the value and benefits these unique products deliver.
Dr. David Johnson is the Senior Inventor on the StandFast®
patents and co-inventors include Mark Darling, Doug Miller, and
Dr. Jonathan Reich.
Alfalfas with the bred-in StandFast® Standability trait maximize
the season's total yield and quality by:
- Extending lodging
protection into flower stage of maturity
- Protecting forage quality
that can be diminished due to lodging
- Providing easier harvest
- Reducing field and harvest
Alfalfas with the bred-in
StandFast® Fast Growth trait maximize the season's total yield
and quality by:
- Achieving an extra 4 to 6"
growth in the first 21 days after harvest versus regular
- Saving days to maturity
and the next harvest
- Providing bigger second,
third and fourth crops
Obtaining the two patents for
StandFast® alfalfa with protection for four varieties is a
milestone achievement. Improving the genetics of alfalfa in
developing StandFast® alfalfa is a great accomplishment. Both
illustrate Cal/West Seeds vision of developing “VALUE THROUGH
For more information about StandFast technology visit