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Government of Victoria, Australia reaches agreement with La Trobe University to build a $230 million agricultural biosciences research centre


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
December 10, 2007

The Brumby Government has reached agreement with La Trobe University to build a $230 million world-class agricultural Biosciences Research Centre in Bundoora.

The Minister for Agriculture, Joe Helper, said the centre would open up new opportunities for farmers by providing access to cutting-edge research to improve productivity, help fight disease and reduce environmental impact.

“The centre will focus new-generation biosciences research on challenges including climate change and biosecurity preparedness,” Mr Helper said.

“The work undertaken will improve Victoria’s international competitiveness by developing new crop varieties focussed on drought tolerance and bioenergy.

“It will also enhance our capacity for preparedness, rapid detection, response and management of plant and animal pest and disease outbreaks, which threaten Victoria’s $8.4 billion agricultural sector.”

Up to 400 scientists from the Department of Primary Industries (DPI), La Trobe University and private sector will work at the centre, which will be ready for commencement of occupation by the end of 2011.

La Trobe Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Johnson said the university was delighted to be working in partnership with DPI and the Brumby Government towards developing a sustainable Victoria.

“This major initiative recognises La Trobe University’s international standing in biosciences research,” Professor Johnson said.

“The Biosciences Research Centre will put the University within the top tier of Australian universities, and will boost the national and international profiles of both the University and Melbourne’s north.

“The new centre will give La Trobe University students and staff new opportunities to work with the world's leading scientists within a state-of-the-art research facility.

“It will attract and retain leading national and international scientists and collaborators, and further strengthen the state’s international reputation for plant, animal and microbial bioscience, bioprotection research and diagnostics.”

The Brumby Government’s $180 million funding contribution was announced in the May budget. La Trobe University is contributing $50 million towards the centre.

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