The 81st meeting of the
the Genetically Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC)
was held on 22.11.2007 in the Ministry of Environment and
Forests under the Chairmanship of Shri B. S. Parsheera,
Additional Secretary, MoEF and Chairman, GEAC.
1.0 Consideration of proposals
1.1 Permission to conduct Multi Location Research
Trials (MLRT) of two transgenic cauliflower hybrids namely
SCF-8 Bt and SCF-9 Bt containing cry1Ac gene during
Rabi 2007 submitted by M/s Sungro Seeds Research Ltd., New
The Committee noted that the RCGM in its meeting held on
25.9.2007 has recommended the proposal for MLRT with two
transgenic cauliflower hybrids namely SCF-8 Bt and SCF-9 Bt
containing cry1Ac gene during Rabi 2007 subject to
compliance of the following conditions:
For cauliflower seed production, as per India Minimum Seed
Certification Standards, an isolation distance of 1600 m and
additional physical/biological barriers should be maintained
to avoid any pollen flow.
In case of the
field trials, the applicant should give an undertaking to
the RCGM that the field experiments will be terminated
before flowering stage. The company may then maintain an
isolation distance of 200 m as proposed in their
application. It was noted that proposed isolation distance
is in conformity with the Hon’ble Supreme Court directions
dated 8.5.2007.
The GEAC considered the above proposal in light of the
recommendations made by the RCGM and in accordance with the
Hon’ble Supreme Court directions dated 8.5.2007. After
detailed deliberations, the Committee approved conduct of
MLRT with Bt cauliflower subject to the following
In addition to the conditions stipulated by
the RCGM, the applicant should submit a validated event
specific test protocol of 0.01 % LOD before undertaking the
The applicant should submit the name of the
lead scientist who would be responsible for conducting the
MLRT for new events should not be conducted
in the farmers’ field. MLRT should be undertaken by the
Companies/Institutions either in their own premises,
research farms, long leased land (minimum of 3 years) or at
the SAU/ICAR institutions.
The GEAC authorized Member Secretary, RCGM to issue the
approval letter on receipt of the locations of the field
trials and submission of a validated event specific protocol
of 0.01%.
Permission to conduct experimental seed production of four
Bt cotton hybrids namely SP 700 B2, SP 503 B2, SP 671 B2, SP
1044 B2 containing cry1Ac and cry2Ab gene
(event MON 15985) in an area of 0.5 acres each in Central
and South zones during Kharif 2007 by M/s. Bayer BioSciences
Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad.
The Committee noted that the GEAC in its meeting held on
22.6.2007 has approved the conduct of MLRT with Bt cotton
hybrids namely SP 700 B2, SP 503 B2, SP 671 B2, SP 1044 B2
containing cry1Ac and cry2Ab gene (event MON
15985) in Central and South zones during kharif 2007.
After detailed deliberations, the GEAC approved seed
production of the above hybrids in an area of 0.5 acre as
per the prevailing regulatory procedures and recommendations
of the RCGM.
1.3 Permission to conduct trials
through All India Co-ordinate Research Project (Vegetable
Crops) under ICAR during Kharif -2008, on Bt Brinjal
hybrids SBJ 1 Bt, SBJ 2 Bt SBJ 4 Bt, SBJ 6 Bt, SBJ 7 Bt
and SBJ 8 Bt expressing cry 1Ac gene by M/s Sungro Seeds
Research Ltd. Delhi.
The Committee considered the request of the Company for
conduct of ICAR trials of 6 Bt brinjal hybrids. The
Committee reiterated that the request cannot be considered
at this stage as Bt brinjal hybrids developed by the parent
company namely M/s Mahyco is still under review.
1.4 Request to revoke the permission for
commercial release of Bt cotton hybrid NSC 913 Bt to M/s.
Nuziveedu Seeds from the Director of Agriculture, Haryana.
The Member Secretary, GEAC informed the Committee that
Haryana State Agriculture Department has informed that the
Bt cotton seeds of NCS 913 Bt developed by M/s. Nuziveedu
has shown poor performance. The Department based on
complaints received from farmers has conducted an enquiry
through a Committee of cotton experts of CCS HAU, Hissar,
Joint Director of Agriculture (cotton) and Deputy Director
of Agriculture, Fatehabad. Based on the investigation
report which found that the quality of seeds supplied by M/s
Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd. was not of the desired standard, the
sale of NSC 913 Bt seeds have been banned in Haryana.
1.0 Regarding the request of the State Department
of Agriculture to withdraw the commercial approval given by
the GEAC, the Committee was of the view that the GEAC under
Rules, 1989 is mandated to accord approval for environmental
release. However, the State Department may restrict the
sale of seeds under the relevant acts and regulations.
1.5 Request to issue a certificate
confirming to the effect that no GM rice, groundnut and
sesame seeds have been permitted in India by Agricultural
and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
1.0 The Committee considered the
request received from APEDA for issuing a certificate
confirming that no GM rice, groundnut and sesame seeds have
been permitted in India. The Member Secretary, GEAC informed
that the above request is being made by APEDA in view of
the temporary restriction imposed by Russia on import of
rice, groundnuts and sesame seeds from India in view of the
measures agreed upon between the two sides and the format
for quality testing certificate mutually agreed upon. One of
the requirements in the certificate is confirmation from
Government of India that no GM crops in Rice, groundnuts and
sesame seeds exist in India.
2.0 The Committee authorized Member
Secretary, GEAC to issue a letter to APEDA confirming that
“no GM crops in Rice, groundnuts and sesame seeds exist in
commercial production in India”.
1.6 Development of detection kits
of different Cry 1Ac genes by M/s. Amar Immunodiagnostics
Pvt. Ltd.
The Committee advised the applicant to obtain the requisite
accreditation for notification of the laboratory as a
referral laboratory.
Communication received from Deptt. of Agriculture, Govt. of
Chhatisgarh, Raipur seeking clarifications regarding conduct
of the MLRT on Bt okra hybrid at Durg, Raipur by M/s.
Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co. Ltd. (Mahyco), Mumbai during
Rabi 2007-08 and representation received from M/s Mahyco.
The Committee considered the communication received from
Deptt. of Agriculture, Govt. of Chhatisgarh, Raipur seeking
clarifications on whether the MLRT permit issued for Kharif,
2007 for Bt okra would be valid for Rabi 2007 and the
response given by DBT.
The Committee was of the view that approval for Kharif 2007
would imply that sowing should be completed during the
Kharif season. However, approval for the field trials would
be valid for the entire duration of the crop life cycle even
if it spills over to Rabi season. The Committee ratified
the communication sent by DBT.
Consideration of ICMR Guidelines on Food Safety.
Dr. Vasantha Muthuswamy, Chief (BMS), ICMR made a brief
presentation on the ICMR guidelines on food safety. She
informed that the draft guidelines has been examined by the
Expert members of the RCGM and the Sub Committee constituted
by RCGM for review of the toxicity and allergenicity studies
to be conducted in GM crops under the Chairmanship of
Director, NIN. It was noted that the modifications
proposed by the experts have been incorporated in the draft
guidelines. The protocols for conducting the food safety
assessment developed by the Sub Committee would also form
part of the above guidelines. After a brief discussion, it
was agreed that the revised guidelines along with the
protocols would be posted on the ICMR, DBT and MoEF websites
for inviting public comments. Subsequent to review of the
stakeholder comments, the revised final draft will be placed
for consideration of the RCGM and the GEAC.
1.8 Status of compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court
directions dated 8.5.2007 in GM crop field trials.
The Member Secretary GEAC informed the Committee that the
Petitioners have initiated Contempt of Court proceedings
against Chairman, GEAC, Co-Chairman, GEAC and Member
Secretary, GEAC and the matter is listed for hearing on
17.1.2008. After detailed deliberations the Committee
confirmed that approvals given by the GEAC is in full
compliance of the following conditions stipulated by the
Hon’ble Supreme Court:
All trials
should have a lead scientist’s name with contact details who
would be responsible for all aspects of the trials including
regulatory requirements.
An isolation
distance of 200 m would be maintained during field trials.
Since the isolation distance would vary depending on the
biology of the crop, the GEAC has prescribed higher
isolation distance as per the Indian Minimum Seed
Certification Standards where applicable.
Prior to
bringing out the GM material from the green house for
conduct of open field trial the Company should submit a
validated event specific test protocol at an LOD of at least
0.01% to detect and confirm that there has been no
The status of the field trials and compliance with respect
to the Hon’ble Supreme Court order was placed before and
noted by the Committee as follows:
Field trials for GM
crops expressing new gene events permitted for
Kharif 2007 |
Company |
Crop |
Trial |
State |
Location |
Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Ltd. |
Bt Rice |
(Initiated in Rabi, 2007 with approval of GEAC) |
Gujarat, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand,
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. |
Anand, Bhandara, Rajgad, South 24
Parganas, Midnapur, Gaya, Ranchi, Davangere, Mandya,
Tanjore and Coimbatore. |
Bt Okra |
Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh,
Rajasthan, Haryana, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand,
West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu. |
Jalna, Jalgaon, Vadodara, Durg, Jaipur, Karnal,
Gaya, Lucknow, Ranchi, Nadia, Haveri, Coimbatore |
Sungro Seeds Research Ltd. |
Bt Brinjal |
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan,
Uttar Pradesh |
Allipur, Hamidpur, Sonepat, Ludhiana, Fatehgarh,
Jaipur, Basti. |
University of Agricultural Sciences,
Dharwad |
Bt Brinjal |
Karnataka |
UAS Research Stations |
Central Potato Research Institute,
Shimla |
Potato |
Strip trials |
Himachal Pradesh |
Not initiated |
Methahelix Life Sciences, Bangalore
Rice |
Strip trial |
Karnataka |
Not initiated |
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
Coimbatore |
Brinjal |
Tamil Nadu |
Coimbatore, Periyakulam, Madurai, Killikulam and
Palur. |
ICRISAT, Patancheru |
Groundnut |
Contained field experiments |
Andhra Pradesh |
Not initiated |
Bejo Sheetal Seeds Pvt. Ltd, Jalna |
Brinjal |
Conduct Pollen flow studies |
Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh |
Not initiated |
Brinjal |
Strip trial/ experimental seed production |
Maharashtra |
Not initiated |
M.s Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company
Ltd. |
Tomato and Bt Rice |
Pollen flow study
Maharashtra |
Not initiated |
Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Ltd. |
cotton (Round up Ready flex Cotton). |
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. |
Guntur, Ranga Reddy, Haveri, Dharwad, Coimbatore and
Salem. |
Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Ltd. |
Large scale field trial
Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka,
Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana,
Rajasthan and Jharkhand. |
Rahuri, Parbhani, Anand, Jabalpur, Dharwad,
Coimbatore, Ludhiana, Varanasi, Hisar. Bikaner, and
Ranchi at Institutional / Research farms of
The Member Secretary, GEAC informed that field trials of Bt
Brinjal, Bt okra, Bt rice and Bt cotton (RRF) have been
initiated only after complying with the Hon’ble Supreme
Court order dated 8.5.2007. In respect of other crops,
field trials have not been initiated as the applicants were
not able to comply with the requirements of 0.01 % LOD or
due to non- availability of land for maintaining the
prescribed isolation distance.
The Committee expressed deep concern that the research
activities on GM technology in agriculture has practically
come to a standstill thereby resulting in delay in the
biological research and retarding the progress of the
country. Bt cotton experience has confirmed that the GM
technology is highly beneficial to farmers. Any delay in
the judicial review would have a significant economic impact
on the farming community. The Committee advised that the
above matter may be brought to the notice of the Hon’ble
Supreme Court.
2.0 Additional Items with the permission of the
2.1 Permission for import and conduct of phase II
clinical trials of Chimerivax tm –JE in children of
descending age from USA by M/s Quintiles Research (India)
Pvt. Ltd.
The above proposal was considered in the 80th
h GEAC meeting held 1.10.2007 wherein it was
decided to seek clarification from ICMR. The representative
of ICMR informed that the proposal has been considered by
the ICMR Technical Committee of Experts for clinical trials
in its two meetings and the Committee has recommended
continuation of phase-II clinical trials.
During the deliberations, one of the Experts pointed out
that the applicant has not fully complied with the
conditions stipulated by the GEAC. The applicant has
furnished only the safety data but the efficacy data has not
been submitted. Also the number of patients considered for
clinical trials in the higher age group is only 32. The
representative of ICMR informed that the applicant is
conducting a double blind Cohort study and therefore the
efficacy data can be provided only after the trials have
been completed. The total number of patients to be
considered in the cohort study is about 135.
After detailed deliberations and taking into consideration,
the recommendations of the ICMR and its Technical Committee
of Experts, the GEAC approved the conduct of phase-II
clinical trials in the age group of >2 and <5 years subject
to compliance of the conditions stipulated in the approval
letters dated 15.5.2006 and 15.6.2006.
Permission for import to conduct Phase III
Clinical trials with r-adenovirus p 53 (rAdp53) in the
treatment for newly diagnosed unresectable squamous cell
carcinoma of head and neck from China by M/s Intas
Biopharmaceuticals Ltd.
The Committee noted that the above proposal was considered
in the 80th GEAC meeting held on 1.10.2007
wherein it was decided to advise the applicant to submit
the full dossier of the drug from the manufacture,
translated into English so as to enable the Experts give
their comments expeditiously. Representative of ICMR
informed that the revised information is in order and the
GEAC may consider approving Phase-III clinical trials with
r-adenovirus imported from China. One of the Experts
informed that the information furnished in the dossier is
neither satisfactory nor adequate to conclude that the drug
is safe for conduct phase-III clinical trial. After
detailed deliberations, it was decided to refer the proposal
to the RCGM for comments.