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Dow AgroSciences reveals progress on new herbicide tolerance trait - New technology will offer effective, affordable broad-spectrum weed control in corn, soybeans


Decatur, Illinois
August 28, 2007

Dow AgroSciences announced details today of an exciting, new family of herbicide tolerance traits currently in development that could be available in corn by 2012.

Known currently as Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerance, this innovative technology will improve weed control in herbicide-tolerant crops, said Tom Wiltrout, Global Business Leader – Corn for Dow AgroSciences, during a news conference at the company’s Farm Progress Show site.

Standing in front of a field plot of corn containing the new trait, Wiltrout said Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerance will be stacked with the HERCULEX® Insect Protection family of traits to provide growers the broadest-spectrum, in-plant insect protection available and the best herbicide tolerance package.
“Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerance traits will provide tolerance to certain broadleaf and grass herbicides, including the phenoxy auxins like 2,4-D, as well as aryloxyphenoxypropionate ‘fop’ grass herbicides,” Wiltrout told the ag media gathered at a press event held at the company’s Farm Progress Show site.

Wiltrout said Dow AgroSciences was working with 2,4-D for several reasons. “2,4-D is an effective and affordable broadleaf herbicide, and it’s registered for postemergence use in corn and the burndown phase for corn and soybeans,” he said. “Growers are very familiar with 2,4-D and its performance, and despite its long history of use, few resistant weed populations have been identified.”

The introgression of new traits into elite genetics and the completion of regulatory processes to allow for commercialization typically take several years. Dow AgroSciences estimates launch timing for this technology at 2012 for corn and 2013 or 2014 for soybeans.

The company also will apply for approval of these traits with the regulatory bodies of its main trading-partner countries and will pursue both import permits and cultivation approvals in key countries.

“Dow AgroSciences anticipated that the rapid adoption of glyphosate tolerance traits would likely result in broadleaf weeds developing tolerance to glyphosate,” Wiltrout said. “Coupling Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerance technology with other currently available herbicide tolerance traits will allow growers to use multiple modes of action to improve control of broadleaf weeds that are becoming more problematic.”

Wiltrout added that Dow AgroSciences is launching two new soil-applied herbicides that will be ideal for use in herbicide-tolerant crops. SureStart™ herbicide in corn and Sonic™ herbicide in soybeans both contain multiple modes of action that provide residual weed control in herbicide-tolerant crops.

To learn more about Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerance and the company’s current technologies, including HERCULEX, SureStart and Sonic, visit

You can view the company’s latest activities at the Farm Progress Show, including a slide show of photos and audio and video podcasts from the site, at The site will be updated regularly during the show.

Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerance Technology
Q and A

Q. What is this technology?

A. This exciting new trait technology, known collectively as Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerance, will improve and enhance weed control in herbicide-tolerant crops by enabling the use of additional broad-spectrum herbicides with differing modes of action in the burndown and postemergence phases. These technologies will provide solutions to improve the control of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds, including weeds that are more difficult for glyphosate to control, and help to sustain the use of glyphosate programs in crops like corn and soybeans.

Q. How will this new technology help growers?

A: There are a number of ways that this technology will help growers, including:

  • Effective, convenient and affordable weed control in corn and soybeans

  • Improved performance on larger weeds that need higher rates of glyphosate

  • Control of glyphosate-resistant weeds

  • New modes of action for weed control that reduce selection for glyphosate resistance

  • Elimination of the waiting time for planting after 2,4-D is applied.

Q. In which crops is Dow AgroSciences developing these technologies? When do you expect these technologies to be available to farmers?

A. At this time, these traits are expected to be available in corn by 2012 and soybeans by 2013 or 2014. The introgression of new traits into elite plant varieties and the completion of the regulatory processes to allow for their commercialization typically take several years, and we are progressing toward commercialization.

Q. Will you stack these herbicide tolerance traits with in-plant insection protection traits?

A. We will stack this trait with HERCULEX® Insect Protection in-plant traits. This will provide growers the broadest-spectrum, in-plant insect protection available today and the best herbicide tolerance package in the high-yielding hybrids of the seed company of their choice.

Q. Will the availability of this technology be restricted to Dow AgroSciences seed company brands?

A. Dow AgroSciences plans to make these traits widely available through Mycogen Seeds, as well as through other companies in the seed industry.

Q. Which herbicides will these new traits provide tolerance?

A. These genes provide tolerance to certain broadleaf and grass herbicides, including the phenoxy auxins, such as 2,4-D, as well as the aryloxyphenoxypropionate “fop” grass herbicides.

Q. Which herbicides is Dow AgroSciences developing to use with these traits?

A. 2,4-D is the most effective and affordable broad-spectrum herbicide to achieve our goal of improving broadleaf weed control in herbicide-tolerant cropping systems.

Q. Why is Dow AgroSciences working with this old chemistry? What other benefits are associated with 2,4-D?

A. 2,4-D controls a very broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds. It is registered for use in the crop or the burndown phase for corn and soybeans. Growers are familiar with the herbicide and its effectiveness. Despite its long history of use, very few resistant weed populations have been identified.

Q. What is the significance of developing “fop” herbicides with these traits?

A. Fop herbicides are useful for ensuring trait purity in parent seed production, and they will provide an additional mode of action for control of grass weeds.

Q. Will Dow AgroSciences register these traits in Japan, Korea, European Union and the other major U.S. trading partners?

A. Yes, Dow AgroSciences plans to apply for approval of these traits with the regulatory bodies of our main trading partner countries. We will pursue both import permits as well as cultivation approvals in key countries.

Q.  How will this new trait family fit with other existing technologies from Dow AgroSciences?

A. Our new Technology for Traits™ portfolio of herbicides will be ideal for use with our innovative herbicide tolerance traits. New SureStart™ herbicide for corn and Sonic™ herbicide for soybeans provide differing modes of action for soil-applied weed control in herbicide tolerance systems.

Q. Where can I access more information about Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerance or the company’s crop protection products for corn?

A. Dow AgroSciences has perhaps the most complete, effective portfolio of crop protection products available today for corn growers, as well as a full lineup of high-yielding, innovative corn seed products through our Mycogen® brand seed lineup. We have consolidated information about our portfolio at

Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is a top-tier agricultural company providing innovative crop protection, pest and vegetation management, seed, and agricultural biotechnology solutions to serve the world’s growing population. Global sales for Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, are $3.4 billion. Learn more at

®™HERCULEX, Sonic, SureStart and “Technology for Traits” are trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC
SureStart is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. SureStart and Sonic are not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state.
Always read and follow label directions.
HERCULEX Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer-Hi-Bred.





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