Bogota, Colombia
July 3, 2007
Colombia Ministry of
Agriculture via Crop
Biotech update
Resolución No. 001726 por
la cual se autorizan siembras comerciales de algodón con la
tecnología conjunta Bollgard II / Roundup Ready Flex®
(15985) X (88913) en el Alto Magdalena y Valle del Cauca:
New GM crops
approved in Colombia |
The Ministry of Agriculture of
Colombia has announced the
approval of new genetically
modified (GM crops) in the
country. Transgenic varieties
released include Bolgard II
cotton, and cotton varieties
combining Bolgard II and
Round-up Ready Flex, for the
interior of the country (Valle
del Cauca y Valle del Alto
Magdalena), and
Yieldgard/Round-up Ready maize
for the Caribbean Costal and
Llanos Orientales Regions. |