Bothaville, South Africa
September 15, 2006
South African farmer Hannes
Haasbroek flew home from an agriculture conference in the United
States six years ago, inspired by the novel and potentially
lucrative idea of distilling maize into bioethanol fuel for
Haasbroek's friends laughed at him; some called it a crazy idea.
But in little more than a year, South Africa's first
billion-dollar bioethanol factory will be pumping out 500,000
litres of the liquid fuel every day. Seven more of the enormous
factories are planned for sites across the country.
"Sure they thought it was an idea that wouldn't work - they
didn't understand it. But since the price of oil has gone up by
so much, and ethanol is in higher demand, many farmers I've
talked to want to do exactly what I'm doing," Haasbroek said
with a smile.
The fertile fields that appear to stretch unbroken across Free
State Province, South Africa's heartland and breadbasket, may
well prove the epicentre of an economic revolution as
significant as the discovery of gold and diamonds more than 100
years earlier.
some bristle at the idea of the poor and hungry
competing with luxury all-terrain vehicles for the
world's supply of grain, Ethanol Africa says it will use
only yellow maize in its factories, and not the
white maize favoured by consumers. |
The plan is deceptively simple:
turn food into fuel.
Bioethanol is an alcohol refined from almost any starch crop
humans eat - maize, sugar cane, beetroot, wheat - and is
championed by supporters as both an environmental and economic
panacea to the world's dependence on fast-disappearing fossil
Ethanol emits much less carbon dioxide (CO2) gas than regular
gasoline, is cheaper to buy and, unlike oil or coal, is a
renewable source of energy: simply plant more of it if you run
The reigning kings of the global biofuel industry are the United
States and Brazil, where millions of tons of sugar - a staple
crop in the South American country - are processed into an
astonishing 16 billion litres of ethanol annually.
Brazilians are literally driving on sugar. Most of Brazil's
service stations offer ethanol at a substantially lower price
than traditional gasoline, and the country has replaced about 40
percent of its gasoline consumption by switching to ethanol, a
sweet dividend with oil prices hovering around US$70 a barrel.
World ethanol production has rocketed from about 550 million
litres a year in 1975 to more than 30 billion annually, and
though Africa is a latecomer to the biofuel party, it hopes to
make a big splash when it finally arrives.
"Africans have the potential to become the Arabs of the biofuel
industry," said Johan Hoffman, chief executive of Ethanol
Africa, the company that plans to build eight biofuel factories
across South Africa.
"There is a potential to use vast areas of this massive
continent for biofuel production, and all that is needed is
water and an electricity supply," Hoffman said. "Africa has the
potential to provide energy for the world - who is going to
supply the growing economies of China and India? We already know
there is a finite amount of oil left in the earth, and it is
being used in enormous quantities and will soon be gone."
While bioethanol might be the tonic that quenches the world's
thirst for energy, it also holds the promise of bettering the
lives of thousands of poor, rural Africans by providing farm and
factory jobs, and ensuring a steady market for maize, sugar and
other commodities.
"The [South African] government wants to create jobs in rural
areas and redistribute land from white to black farmers, and
bioethanol production could be the solution to both problems,"
Hoffman said. "Bioethanol will create jobs, not just for the
farming industry, but for whole communities, and uplift the
With unemployment estimated at 40 percent and a farming industry
that could theoretically triple in size from 1.5 million to 4.5
million hectares, South Africa could be the ideal environment
for a vast bioethanol industry.
Ethanol Africa, which will list on a British stock exchange in
November, said it hoped to source 30 percent of its maize from
small-scale farmers and buy whatever they brought for sale - a
tonne, a half-tonne, or even a single bag - at prices set before
the planting season, ensuring a steady income for farmers.
The company, formed by a group of farmers and agronomists, is
already exploring the possibility of building ethanol factories
in countries like Angola and Zambia.
Those touting the benefits of bioethanol also claim the fuel is
a boon to the environment.
Since the signing of the Kyoto accord on greenhouse gases and
global warming, many countries have begun programmes to blend
ethanol into gasoline - known as 'gasohol' - in an effort to
reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.
The mandatory ethanol content for any gasoline is 20 percent in
Brazil; the European Union recently introduced a mandatory 5
percent level, and Sweden boasts the world's biggest ethanol bus
In South Africa, which imports about 60 percent of its crude oil
requirements, ministers are discussing the introduction of a 10
percent mandatory ethanol blend.
"The reason for blending ethanol is not only about the high
price of oil, but the world also wants environmentally friendly
solutions to the problems of energy use, and ethanol releases
about 60 percent less CO2 than petrol," Hoffman said.
A renewable energy that will create jobs, reduce dependence on
fossil fuels, help the environment and uplift the poor - is
there anything ethanol can't do?
A lot, say its detractors. "I wish they would stop building
these ethanol factories," said the University of Cape Town's Dr
Harro Von Blottnitz, a chemical engineer who has spent years
studying biofuels in African contexts.
"It is well documented - it takes energy to make energy, and the
amount of energy it takes to grow and harvest these crops barely
produces a surplus return," he said. "While bioethanol
production makes some sense with high oil prices, I don't think
our government has wrapped its mind around all the consequences,
and studies that should be done, haven't been done."
Scientific debate rages around the process and results of
transforming food into fuel, with many saying the numbers simply
don't add up.
Ethanol distilled from sugar gives a decent energy return, but
add up all the energy it takes to grow a field of maize, and the
amount you get back is barely more than you put in, critics say.
Besides that, biofuel is much less efficient than regular fuel,
so even if it is cheaper to buy, it will not move your vehicle
nearly as far.
Von Blottnitz uses the example of solar panels to demonstrate a
more efficient way of obtaining energy. "Instead of planting
maize on a hectare of land and making ethanol from that maize,
if you laid the field with photovoltaic panels you would obtain
200 times the amount of energy in the form of solar energy," he
How much maize is needed to move a car, a truck, or a fleet of
buses? A hectare of land - 1 or about the size of two
football fields - yields an average of 4 tonnes of maize. Each
tonne of maize can be distilled into 420 litres of bioethanol,
plus some ancillary products. The two football fields would thus
produce about 1,680 litres of ethanol.
According to a report in the Washington Post newspaper, the
entire American maize crop would provide enough ethanol fuel to
replace only about 12 percent of the country's gasoline
"The grain required to fill a 25-gallon (about 114 litres) SUV
[sports utility vehicle] gas tank with ethanol will feed one
person for a year," said Lester Brown of the Earth Policy
Institute in a statement. "The grain it takes to fill the tank
every two weeks over a year will feed 26 people ... The 55
million tons (about 50 million tonnes) of US corn going into
ethanol this year represent nearly one-sixth of the country's
grain harvest, but will supply only 3 percent of its automotive
While some bristle at the idea of the poor and hungry competing
with luxury all-terrain vehicles for the world's supply of
grain, Ethanol Africa says it will use
only yellow maize in its factories, and not the
white maize favoured by consumers.
Environmentalists, who have resisted blindly embracing
bioethanol as a viable answer to energy supplies, have raised
other concerns. Biowatch South Africa, an NGO concerned with
food security and promoting organic farming methods, reels at
the bioethanol industry's dependence on genetically modified
(GM) crops in South Africa.
"Small-scale farmers are adopting GM crops, and once they do
they become dependent on the markets and forget about their own
food security," said Biowatch Director Leslie Liddell. "By and
large, those farmers don't understand the contracts they sign
with multinationals supplying the seeds. They are not allowed to
replant the seeds because of copyright laws. These companies are
beginning to own our agricultural systems, and farmers are no
longer storing their seeds."
In the small town of Bothaville in South Africa's Free State
province, the foundations for the country's first bioethanol
factory are being laid on a sprawling 30-hectare site, with the
full backing of local government. Production is expected to
begin in about a year.
"The whole bioethanol revolution will save maize farmers in
South Africa," farmer Haasbroek said. "Because if it wasn't for
this technology many thousands would go bankrupt, many would
give up farming altogether." |