Iowa State
University honors alumni who have made important contributions
to the agriculture industry |
Ames, Iowa
October 25, 2006
Two men who
have made important contributions to the agriculture
industry were honored Oct. 20 as part of an
Iowa State University
Alumni Association awards ceremony. Both awards are given
annually by the Iowa State College of Agriculture. In
addition, an award presented for the first time in 2006 went
to a retired professor and his wife.
The recipient of the 2006 Floyd Andre Award was Ted
Crosbie of Earlham. The award honors an Iowa State alum
who has made an outstanding contribution to production
agriculture, agricultural business or who has significantly
influenced Iowa agriculture.
Crosbie is vice president of Global Breeding at Monsanto.
Under his direction, breeding research teams supply more
than 1,000 commercial varieties and hybrids each year to
farmers around the world. This accounts for about 40 percent
of the world's commercial production of seven crops. He
supervises more than 800 employees in 25 countries,
including 150 plant breeders. The Global Plant Breeding
Group is one of the largest research departments within
In Iowa, Crosbie has been instrumental in gaining financial
support for research in biotechnology. He was one of the
leaders who successfully campaigned for the $30.5 million
Molecular Biology Building at Iowa State, which was built in
1991. In addition, he helped raise $18 million for research
between 1987 and 1990. He was born and raised on a northwest
Iowa farm.
The 2006 Henry A. Wallace Award was presented to Carl
Whitcomb. The Wallace Award honors an Iowa State alum
who has made an outstanding contribution to national or
international agriculture through leadership, research,
teaching or writing.
Carl Whitcomb, president of Lacebark Inc., in Stillwater,
Okla., has published numerous books and research papers on
plant production techniques. He has 27 patents, 12
trademarks and continues research on a variety of topics.
His published research on woody plant propagation is used
widely by nurseries and is known as the "Whitcomb System."
Whitcomb's plant materials guides, the "Know It and Grow It"
books, have gained him household recognition. Before
becoming president of Lacebark Inc., he was a faculty member
at the University of Florida and Okalahoma State University.
Whitcomb pioneered air-root-pruning containers for trees and
other plants. His research resulted in developing a system
that is used to grow millions of plants under the name
RootMaker®. He also developed a red-flowered crape myrtle
called Red Rocket, which will be featured at the 2008
Olympics in Beijing.
This is the first year for the College of Agriculture's
George Washington Carver Distinguished Service Award, which
recognizes alumni or friends who have demonstrated
outstanding achievement in the agricultural, food,
environmental, social and life sciences.
The 2006 recipients are Harold "Sande" and Margo McNabb
of Ames. Sande, a university plant pathology professor
emeritus, taught more than 3,000 students and mentored 300
interns during his 47 years at Iowa State. After reading
George Washington Carver's books, he began tutoring students
in the sixth grade and decided to pursue a career in
teaching and research. He began his teaching career at Iowa
State University in 1954 and received the first Excellence
in Teaching Award from the American Phytopathological
Society in 1989.
In 1986, Margo was included in articles featuring the Women
of the Year in Ames. She also received the Iowa
Congressional District 4 Distinguished Service Award in
The McNabbs are dedicated to providing students with
opportunities to excel in science. To do this they have
financially supported diversity initiatives in the College
of Agriculture and participated in planning two national
Minorities in Agricultural and Natural Resources and Related
Sciences (MANRRS) conferences. In 2002 they received the
City of Ames Humanitarian of the Year Award and in 2006 were
listed in the State Science and Technology Fair Iowa Hall of
Three other people with ties to the College of Agriculture
also were honored Oct. 20.
Donald Jordahl, West Des Moines, received his
bachelor's degree in agricultural education in 1958. He
received the ISU Alumni Association Impact Award.
Almquist, Urbandale, received the ISU Alumni Association
National Service Award. Almquist earned a bachelor's degree
in animal science in 1954 and a master's in rural sociology
in 1962.
Alexander Olson, Mason City, is a 2002 graduate in
agricultural business. He received the Harold Pride Service
Medallion, which recognizes devoted service to Iowa State
through the Memorial Union.