Fontanelle, Nebraska
October 23, 2006
51 new products in the Fontanelle Hybrids line up, our customers
will see us fulfilling their needs at a whole new level of
service and performance,” Steve Pike, president,
Fontanelle Hybrids,
Nebraska said. “And our Dominator Series of hybrids is leading
the pack.”
The Dominator
Series is a specific designation given to Fontanelle’s corn
numbers with the newest genetics and traits combined in an
unbeatable package. “Dominator hybrids are Fontanelle’s future
best sellers so we want our customers to be sure to plant the
corn numbers from this group that suit their farm and farming
practices,” Pike said.
The Dominator designation has been given to 15 of
the 16 new YieldGard® Plus/Roundup Ready® 2 corn numbers; eight
of the nine new YieldGard Corn Borer/Roundup Ready 2 corn
numbers; and all six of the new Roundup Ready 2 corn numbers.
Other new products include a new conventional
corn number, a new waxy corn number, 12 new Roundup Ready
soybeans, and two new forage sorghums.
“One other new line we’ve added this year is
called Visitve soybeans, which are low linoleic,” Pike said.
“The main advantage to our customers is that they can maintain
yield performance with these beans and get a premium from food
processors. The processors are interested in low linoleic beans
because it produces a soybean oil that has health benefits for
consumers.” Fontanelle has four new Visitve soybeans in the line
Fontanelle Hybrids markets corn, soybeans, grain
sorghum, alfalfa and sunflowers in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas,
Colorado, Missouri and portions of Illinois, Minnesota, South
Dakota and Texas as an independent operating company within
American Seeds Inc, a holding company of Monsanto.
YieldGard and Roundup Ready are registered
trademarks of Monsanto Company. |