Wooster, Ohio
October 13, 2006
The use of transgenic corn hybrids
could increase significantly in Ohio next year, due to rising
corn rootworm problems and lower product costs compared to
traditional hybrid packages.
According to the most recent U.S. Department of Agriculture
survey regarding the adoption of crops that carry transgenic
traits, only 18 percent of the total corn acreage in Ohio in
2005 was transgenic corn. However, that number has increased
from 9 percent in 2003 and is anticipated to continue growing
next year.
Transgenics is the science of introducing a gene from one
organism or plant into the genome of another organism or plant.
In crop production examples of transgenics include different
types of Bt corn to control European corn borer and rootworm,
and Round-Up Ready corn and soybeans for enhanced weed control.
Ron Hammond, an Ohio State
University research entomologist with the Ohio Agricultural
Research and Development Center, said one of the reasons for the
increased interest in transgenic corn is the problem growers
encountered this growing season with first-year corn rootworm,
especially in continuous corn production.
“This year we have seen some of the heaviest pressure from
rootworm we have seen in 10 years, both from root injury and
from adults feeding on the silks,” said Hammond, who also holds
an OSU Extension appointment. “Not only did we see increased
pressure from the western corn rootworm in corn fields, but we
also saw increased numbers from the first-year corn rootworm
variant in soybeans. We are not sure if this is a fluke or if
this will be repeated next year. This is very unusual for Ohio.”
Western corn rootworm variant sampling in 86 soybean fields
covering 25 counties was conducted throughout western Ohio. Over
20 percent of the fields sampled had an average rating of five
or more beetles per trap per day, the highest assessment given
in rootworm sampling. Such a rating indicates a potential
problem with rootworm in the field the following year.
“Corn rootworm is probably the most damaging corn pest in the
Midwest,” said Hammond. “If you have a good population of
rootworms, you will get a straight yield reduction from that
feeding. You lose one root node and there’s an immediate yield
loss. More than one node lost and it doesn’t take much of a wind
to knock that corn to the ground. Plus you get poor kernel set
if you’ve got adults feeding on the silks.”
Apart from using insecticides and seed treatments to control
corn rootworm, Bt-rootworm hybrids are an option, and with seed
of transgenic hybrids getting cheaper, using transgenics is
becoming a more attractive choice.
“The adoption of transgenic corn is probably being driven more
by the market than agronomics,” said Peter Thomison, an Ohio
State University Extension agronomist. “Seed companies are
offering these products at very attractive prices so a lot of
growers see the benefit of spending a few more dollars on
transgenic hybrids than to buy their current traditional
Thomison said that he sees more Ohio growers planting stacked
transgenic hybrids in 2007-- those that carry Round-Up Ready,
Bt-corn borer and Bt-rootworm traits. While he acknowledges the
benefits of transgenic hybrids, Thomison is encouraging growers
to choose hybrids based on overall performance, that is, plant
hybrids that exhibit high yield potential across a range of
different environmental conditions.
Transgenic corn is, however, desirable under situations where
growers may be facing problems with first year rootworm.
“It’s outstanding technology if used properly,” said Hammond.
“It’s a nice alternative to soil insecticides.”
Hammond stresses that if growers do use transgenic hybrids that
they make sure they follow the requirements of planting 80
percent transgenic and 20 percent non-transgenic to prevent the
pest from developing resistance.
Additionally, Hammond recommends that growers plant untreated
check strips to determine the level of corn rootworm severity
the following year.
For information on corn rootworm, log on to
http://agcrops.osu.edu, and
keep an eye on upcoming issues of the C.O.R.N. (Crop Observation
and Recommendation Network) newsletter for more information on
planting transgenic hybrids (http://corn.osu.edu).