West Lafayette, Indiana
October 6, 2006
Favored® Inc.
(PINKSHEETS: FVRD) today announced that it completed the
acquisition of Favored® Seed, LLC; on September 30th, 2006.
Favored®, Inc. now owns one hundred percent of the membership
units of Favored® Seed, LLC.
As consideration, Favored®, Inc. has issued a total of 657,434
common shares and a warrant for 19,049 common shares of its
capital stock, restricted pursuant to Rule 144, to the members
of Favored® Seed, LLC.
Favored® Seed, LLC, an Indiana Limited Liability Company, is in
the business of supplying Non Genetically Modified Hybrid Corn
Seed and Non Genetically Modified Soya Bean Seed with specialty
output traits. These grains continue to be in high demand,
particularly for exports to Europe and Asia. Favored® Seed will
endeavor at every opportunity to fulfill this immense market
opportunity for specialty food grade products.
Favored® Seed is currently
expanding its contract corn seed production by over 25% for the
2007 sales season. This continued growth will serve the demand
of our current and future client base who utilize this product,
while strengthening our presence in this niche.
Dr. Claude Page, CEO, further commented that, "acquiring
Favored® Seed completes an important link in the implementation
of the Patent Pending Favored® System. This acquisition will
further enable us to tailor our production and operations to
meet our customers' future demands and requirements, while
ensuring full ingredient traceability. By having control of this
operation, Favored® strengthens its position in the global
marketplace as a trusted source for specialty food ingredients."
The All Natural Favored® System delivers food products
managed with the assurance of being completely traceable from
origin to consumer or from "seed to plate." This system focuses
on the traits that consumers desire, which are products free
from added growth hormones, antibiotics and genetically modified
grains. Favored® participates in this market segment that
represents approximately 33% of the U.S. population. These
consumers buy natural/organically grown foods and the
organic/natural food sales exceed $30 billion each year.
For more information on Favored®, please visit
and www.favored.tv