Bozeman, Montana
October 6, 2006
With wheat stem sawfly natural
enemies in demand, Montana
State University entomologists are investigating ways of
increasing their availability.
This fall, the entomologists are concluding a two-year study
that involved mass-rearing parasitic wasps that attack wheat
stem sawfly larvae that tunnel the interior of developing wheat
plants. The team includes entomologists David Weaver, master's
graduate Godshen Pallipparambil-Robert and undergraduate Melissa
Frazier of Kalispell.
Pallipparambil-Robert's work, as part of his completed master's
degree, used large cages placed over wheat at the Post Agronomy
Farm west of Bozeman. He deliberately infested the enclosed
wheat with wheat stem sawflies, and then introduced the
parasitic wasps. His research explored whether supplemental food
provided as nectar from flowering plants or as honey water
increases the number of parasitic wasps produced in each cage.
Another part of his thesis project examined whether using
special ultraviolet and visible light-transmitting windows
increases the number of parasites.
"After two years, the research shows that the added light
consistently causes small increases in the number of parasitic
wasps, while the food supply is probably not important in these
mass-rearing cages, because the parasitoids were added in large
numbers, and attacked the available sawflies before the need to
feed may have become critical " Weaver said. At lower parasitoid
densities, supplemental food might be much more important, and
research from other systems suggests that this is definitely
true in natural settings. However, the goal of the research is
to find ways to increase the supply of parasitoids from a
controlled system to Montana wheat growers.
"Right now, the number of people wanting parasitic wasps far
out-number what we can deliver," he said. The small, orange
parasitic wasps are part of the naturally occurring suppression
of wheat stem sawfly that varies greatly from field to field
throughout Montana. The wasps produce two generations of
offspring a year, compared to only one for the wheat stem
A number of Montana counties now have established populations of
these natural enemies in their wheat fields, thanks to pilot
scale research co-sponsored by the Montana Wheat and Barley
Committee; USDA, CSREES Special Research Grants; the Montana
Board of Research and Commercialization Technology; and the BNSF
Railway Foundation. However, the process of locating parasitic
wasp populations for redistribution is inefficient, and having
the ability to reliably mass produce these organisms would be an
Even a slight increase in efficiency could translate into the
ability to produce thousands of additional parasitic wasps,
which could then be distributed to wheat stem sawfly infested
Pallipparambil-Robert has just begun work on a doctorate in
entomology at the University of Arkansas. The late summer and
autumn efforts are being completed by Frazier. It became her job
to tend the cages of parasitic wasps every few days, after
Palliparambil-Robert departed.
Weaver said more research is needed to determine precisely how
many sawflies and parasitic wasps need to be added to each cage
and to determine the best time to add the wasps. The current
research shows that enough parasitoids can be produced to
establish a founding population in an infested wheat field using
the straw residue from a single mass-rearing cage.
Mass-rearing of the parasitic wasps is only one of three or four
approaches for sawfly management that are being pursued at MSU.
The drought conditions of recent years have made the work more
pressing, since drought favors damage by wheat stem sawflies,
which are now more widely distributed in Montana than years ago.
"There are larger areas of sawfly damage all along the Golden
Triangle, the northern tier of Montana counties as well as the
area around Lewistown, Circle and Jordan," Weaver said.
Currently, MSU is specifically partnering with MSU Extension
county agents to redistribute and monitor populations of
parasitic wasps, as part of an expanded effort to establish the
more effective parasitoid populations in those areas.
"We hope to see the populations there grow, and what
Pallipparambil-Robert's work will do is to help us have the
ability to have parasitoids more readily available for future
efforts," Weaver said. "Right now, we have to locate a large
population of these beneficial insects before we can
redistribute them. If we can reliably have them available at a
known location, we could do our job much more efficiently."
A "how to" MontGuide for the conservation of these parasitic
wasps, which supports the redistribution efforts, is currently
being written and should become available over the winter.
By Carol Flaherty |