Brussels, Belgium
September 18, 2006
In the absence of a qualified
majority, the Council was unable to act on the Commission's
proposal for a Decision concerning the placing on the market in
accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC of oilseed rape products
(Brassica napus L., lines Ms8, Rf3 and Ms8xRf3) genetically
modified for tolerance to the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium
(11640/06, 12628/06+REV1).
The proposal is
now being sent back to the Commission, which will adopt it on
expiry of the threemonths' deadline imposed on the Council.
The aim of the
proposal is to authorise the placing on the market of the
above-mentioned oilseed rape products. The authorisation would
apply to all uses with the exception of cultivation and uses in
food and would be valid for 10 years.
5 December 2005, the Commission consulted the Regulatory
Committee on the deliberate release into the environment of GMOs
which, despite the favourable opinion delivered by the Food
Safety Authority, was unable to give an opinion.
On 11 July 2006,
the Commission accordingly submitted its proposal to the
Council, which has a 3 month period from that date within which
to act by qualified majority. |