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EFSA and European national food safety authorities plan action for increased collaboration
Parma, Italy
December 1, 2006

Leading European food safety experts are meeting today in Helsinki, Finland at the Advisory Forum of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The Finnish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Mr Juha Korkeaoja, opened the meeting, which is being hosted by the Finnish Food Safety Authority, Evira.

The Forum has agreed today its approach to cooperation and networking with European Union (EU) Member States. Projects will be started by the Forum in order to:

• increase the exchange of scientific data and information and build European databases
• share best risk assessment practices
• develop harmonized methodologies for risk assessment
• promote coherence in risk communications

EFSA’s Executive Director, Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, said: “Strengthening cooperation and networking between Member States and EFSA is my top priority. Here in Finland, and across Europe, there is excellence in science and considerable experience in risk assessment. If we can work together with the national authorities more closely and coherently- by sharing best practices and harmonising methodologies - EFSA and the institutes in the Member States will help to create an even stronger food safety system in Europe. This will also help increase consumer protection and confidence in the food we eat across Europe. I am delighted by the commitment of all Member States, through the Advisory Forum, to taking this work forward. ”

The Finnish Food Safety Authority, Evira’s Director General Jaana Husu-Kallio also emphasised the importance of the international co-operation and networking for the future of the food safety in Europe, one of the corner stones of EFSA’s successful work: “We are pleased that EFSA’s Advisory Forum has already met twice in Finland. I am delighted that the Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, which started its operations on 1 May this year, has got the opportunity to host the meeting in our brand new premises situated in the midst of the Viikki Campus in Helsinki.”

The draft strategy discussed today will now be finalised, taking into account views expressed by Advisory Forum Members, in the next few days.


The Advisory Forum is EFSA’s consultative body, made up of representatives from each of the Member States’ national food agencies or other national authorities with a remit similar to that of EFSA. The Forum advises the Executive Director on scientific matters, priorities and the work programme.

In September 2006 EFSA’s Advisory Forum members signed a ‘Declaration of Intent’ confirming their commitment to strengthen scientific co-operation and information exchange on risk assessment in the European Union. Since then work has developed on the detailed strategy and roadmap for scientific co-operation.

This Strategy will be presented to EFSA’s Management Board for possible endorsement at its meeting in Helsinki on 19th December. Afterwards it will be circulated and presented to EU Institutions, EU and national Stakeholders, international organisations, etc. The Strategy will be reviewed within two years.

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