The 71st Meeting of the Genetic Engineering
Approval Committee (GEAC) was held on 11.10.2006 in the
Ministry of Environment and Forests under the Chairmanship
of Shri Desh Deepak Verma, Joint Secretary, MoEF and Vice -
Chairman GEAC.
Consideration of Proposals.
1.1 Permission to
import Soybean oil obtained from Round up Ready Soybean by
M/s Solvent Extractors’ Association of India, Mumbai.
1.1.1 The Committee noted
that the GEAC in its meeting held on 2.5.2006 has accorded
approval as an interim measure for import of GM Soybean
(RSVO and CDSO) subject to declaration that it has been
derived from Round up Ready Soybean. For obtaining the final
approval, the importers of GM Soybean oil have been advised
to submit test result from either CFTRI /NIN/ Shri Ram
Laboratories on the composition of the CDSO both pre and
post processing as well as in the residue. The parameters
to be monitored should include the herbicide level.
1.1.2 The Member
Secretary informed the Committee that the applicant has
submitted the test results from SGS, an international
laboratory as the institutions nominated by the GEAC are
not coming forward to test the presence of GM events in
Soybean oil.
1.1.3 The Committee
considered the tests results conducted at Shriram
Laboratories for conformity with PFA parameters in crude,
refined oils and byproducts. The Committee noted that the
tests results from Sri Ram Institute indicates that imported
Crude degummed Soybean Oil and refined soybean oil obtained
from Roundup Ready Soybeans seem be prima facie in
conformity with the analytical requirements of PFA Rules.
1.1.4 The Committee also
considered the test results from Shriram Laboratories on the
glyphosate level in the Crude de-gummed Soybean Oil,
refined soybean oil and its byproducts and noted that the
Glyphosate content in refined oil was higher than the
level in crude soybean oil. The Committee subsequently
gave an opportunity to the applicant for presenting their
views on this matter. It was informed that the Glyphosate
in the refined oil and crude de-gummed soybean oil was
subsequently tested in the Department of Entomology MPKV
University at Rahuri. The data indicated that the levels of
Glyphosate residues in different soybean oils ranged in
between 0.197 and 0.350 ppm. Glyphosate residues were below
the detection limit of 0.05 ppm in Soybean deodorized
distillate. However, the Glyphosate level again showed
higher value in the refined soybean oil as compared the
de-gummed soybean oil. The reasons for such variations could
not be explained and was attributed to the processing of
soybean oil and properties of aromatic compounds. It was
also noted that there is a significant variation in the
Glyphosate level reported by Shriram Laboratories, Delhi and
MPKV University Laboratory at Rahuri. During the discussion
it was also clarified that Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare, under PFA has not stipulated any norms form
Glyphosate content in the oil. Neither there are any
prescribed international standards.
1.1.5 After detailed
deliberations it was decided that the presence of DNA /
proteins and the Glyphosate level in the Crude de-gummed
Soybean Oil, refined soybean oil and its byproducts needs
to be tested either at CFTRI / NIN. The Committee
authorized the Chairman, GEAC to take up the matter with
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for directing CFTRI /
NIN to draw the samples and conduct the test for the above
parameters on a priority basis to enable GEAC to take a view
on the matter.
1.1.6 To a query on
whether ‘one time approval’ for import of soybean oil would
be obtained by the Oil Importers Association or individual
importers it was decided that the in the first instance a
decision needs to be taken on whether the import of
processed food like soybean falls under the purview of GEAC
or not. Therefore, the matter may be discussed after
receipt of the test results from CFTRI/NIN.
1.2 Permission for manufacture of
indigenous r-hepatitis C viral antigen core NS-3, NS-4 and
NS-5 by Sudershan Biotech Ltd. Hyderabad.
1.2.1 The Committee
noted that the above request was considered by the GEAC in
its meeting held on 17.8.2006 wherein it was decided to
await the recommendation of RCGM on the containment facility
which is mandatory prior to approval by GEAC as per Protocol
I of the new procedure.
1.2.2 The Committee noted that the RCGM
in its meeting held on 29.8.2006 has considered the
recommendation of IBSC on the adequacy of the containment
facilities and concluded that the containment facilities are
adequate to meet the environmental safety regulation on
cultivation of Genetically modified microorganisms and to
purify recombinant Hepatitis C viral antigen. Based on
recommendations of the RCGM, the Committee approved the
above proposal.
1.3 Permission for import and
marketing of Phytase Enzyme (Poultry feed supplement) from
Suson Industry Group Co. Ltd. Beijing, China by Elder
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Mumbai
1.4 Permission for import of Finase PC
enzyme for formulation from Germany and marketing in India
by M/s. Textan Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
1.5 Permission for import and marketing
of enzyme Phytase (poultry feed supplement) from M/s Suson
Industry Group Co. Ltd, Beijing, China by M/s. Chembond
Chemicals Ltd. Mumbai.
1.3.1 The Committee noted that the above
proposals were considered by the GEAC in its meeting held on
wherein it was decided to await the recommendations of the
Department of Animal Husbandry and Diary, CFTRI and BARC.
The Member-Secretary informed that comments have been
received only from Dr A. K. Sharma, Baba Atomic Research
1.3.2 The Committee considered the
recommendations received from BARC but was of the view that
comments from CFTRI and Department of Animal Husbandry and
Diary may also be obtained. One of the expert members also
pointed out that the phytase enzyme as poultry feed
supplement has been banned in China and information on the
reasons for banning the product also needs to be examined.
1.3.3 The Committee requested the
Chairman, GEAC to take up the matter with CFTRI and
Department of Animal Husbandry for submitting their comments
1.4 Approval for use of Non –Bt
refugia not of the same hybrid during next Kharif.
1.4.1 The Committee considered the
request made by M/s Rasi Seeds Limited vide their letter
dated 27.9.2006 on the above subject. It was noted that
based on the recommendation of the Sub-Committee on Bt
Cotton and related issue which was adopted by the GEAC, the
Company has organized production of popular non-Bt Cotton
hybrid for meeting the requirement of refugia during Kharif
2007. Non – Bt seeds of the same Bt hybrid has not been
1.4.2 In respect of the refugia, the
sub-Committee had recommended “The non-Bt refugia seeds may
not be of the same hybrid of Bt Cotton. Non Bt seeds of
popular hybrids can be used as refugia”.
1.4.3 The Member Secretary, RCGM explained
that presently as per GEAC stipulation, non Bt seeds of the
same Bt counterpart are provided by the Companies along with
the Bt cotton seeds to farmers for planting the refugia.
However, the non Bt seeds are used by farmers for gap
filling instead of the stipulated refugia because of which
it appears that many of the Bt plants have not germinated
properly or are susceptible to bollworms. This is often
construed by NGOs as a failure of Bt technology.
1.4.4 The Member Secretary GEAC further
clarified that the present request is not for amendment of
the conditions stipulated by the GEAC for maintaining the
same non Bt counterpart as refugia but are for the next
Kharif season. Views were also expressed that significant
variation in the cotton quality may have an impact on trade
as it may not fetch the optimum market price.
1.4.5 After detailed deliberations, the
Committee was of the view that non Bt counterpart of the
same species, similar duration and similar fibre quality may
be used as refugia in place of the same non Bt counter part.
The above decision would be applicable for all applicants
during Kharif 2007.
2.0 Information Items:
2.1 Consideration of proposal for
multi-locational trials recommended by RCGM in its meeting
held on 29.8.2006.
2.1.1 The Committee considered 9
proposals for field trials of transgenic crops recommended
by RCGM in its meeting held on 29.8.2006. However in
accordance with Supreme Court order dated 22.9.2006 in
respect of WP 260/2005 in IA NO 4/2006, directing the GEAC
to withhold approvals until the matter has been heard and
further directions are issued by the Court, decision on the
9 proposals forwarded by RCGM in accordance with the earlier
Supreme Court order dated 1.5.2006 was deferred.
2.1.2 The Member Secretary GEAC informed
that the matter has been listed for hearing on 13.10.2006
and MoEF is in the process of filing its counter affidavit
for vacating the stay.
2.2 First meeting of the Expert
Group on Bt Brinjal held on 25.9.2006 under the Chairmanship
of Prof Deepak Pental, VC, Delhi University.
2.2.1 The Member Secretary informed the
Committee that the
first meeting
of the Expert Committee on Bt Brinjal was
held on 25.9.2006 under the chairmanship of
Prof Deepak Pental Vice Chancellor of Delhi University.
She briefly explained the deliberations of the meeting and
informed the Committee that the experts have been requested
to submit their views based on which a detailed reply to
issues raised by stakeholders and recommendations to the
GEAC would be prepared.