November 14, 2006
CGIAR research vital for achieving the Millennium
Development Goals Science-based agricultural research being
carried out by the 15 international agricultural research
centers under the Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is the backbone of the
international efforts to achieve the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) of reducing global poverty by half by 2015.
According to Dr William Dar, Director General of ICRISAT and
former Chair of the Alliance Executive of the Alliance of the
CGIAR Centers, the CGIAR's new research priorities are fully
aligned with the MDGs. The research activities of the CGIAR
Centers are particularly effective in helping achieve reduction
of poverty and hunger through increased agricultural
"CGIAR research helps empower poor households to escape poverty,
improve their livelihoods and make them competitive in a
globalized market," Dr Dar said, speaking at the global
conference of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)
and the Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research
Institutions (APAARI) at New Delhi recently.
The role of the CGIAR Centers is critical since agricultural
growth is critical to achieving the MDGs. Agricultural growth
has a multiplier effect in reducing poverty. In sub-Saharan
Africa, a 10% increase in yields brings a 9% decrease in the
number of people living on less than $1 a day. The new
technologies of Green Revolution in India in the 1960s increased
the average income of the poor farmers by 90% and that of the
landless laborers by 125%.
The relationship between improvement in agricultural
productivity and decrease in poverty is strong since 50% of the
global poor are smallholder farmers and 22% are landless rural
poor, who derive their income from agricultural activities.
About 8% are pastoralists, fisherfolk and forest dwellers, who
too in some way are benefited by improved agricultural
Investment in international agricultural research also has a
multiplier effect on agricultural productivity. For every dollar
invested in international agricultural research, nine dollars
worth of additional food is produced in developing countries
where it is needed the most.
With a combined force of 8,500 scientists and support staff in
over 100 countries, the CGIAR Centers are generating
cutting-edge science to help achieve the MDGs. These Centers
evolved from a commodity-based approach in the 1960s, where they
worked on increasing the productivity of rice, wheat and maize
to a more holistic and problem-oriented approach currently.
The new CGIAR research priorities include sustaining
biodiversity for current and future generations; producing more
and better food at lower cost through genetic improvements;
diversifying crop basket with high-value commodities; promoting
sustainable natural resource management; and improving policies
and institutional innovations to reduce poverty and hunger.
In addition to working with national and regional agricultural
research systems, the CGIAR Centers also collaborate with
network of agricultural research institutions, such as GFAR and
Dr Dar represented the Alliance of the CGIAR Centers at the
global conferences of both GFAR and APAARI organized at New
Delhi recently. At the GFAR conference he said that the CGIAR
and GFAR must collaborate with relevant stakeholders to improve
genetic resources management, natural resources management,
commodity chains and policy management in geographical areas of
mutual interest.
At the APAARI conference he said that the overall goal is help
smallholder farmers to benefit from the improved value chain of
agricultural markets. An enhanced public, private, people
partnership (PPPP) can lead into the development of the three
I's -incentives, institutions and infrastructure.
Dr Dar reiterated that the Alliance of the CGIAR Centers is
committed to substantially contribute to the attainment of MDGs
through science with a human face and strategic partnerships. |