Andhra Pradesh, India
November 8, 2006
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT), in collaboration with the
Food and Agricultural Organization
(FAO) of the United Nations, has launched an initiative to
promote open access information sources in agricultural sciences
and technology in India.
The initiative was launched at the
First AGRIS workshop on open access in agricultural sciences and
technology: Indian initiatives organized at ICRISAT headquarters
at Patancheru on 6 and 7 November.
The workshop brought together
library and documentation specialists from the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) institutes, state agricultural
research universities. There were also representatives from
specialized institutions such as the National Institute of
Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), the Indian Institute
of Science (IISc), the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation
(MSSRF), the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) at Bangalore,
and the National Informatics Center (NIC).
Launching the first phase, the
participants of the workshop decided to suggest the
establishment of the two pilot open access information
repositories in the agricultural domain within the first year.
One would be in Delhi with support from ICAR, and the other in
Hyderabad with support from ICRISAT and MANAGE.
According to Dr Dyno Keatinge,
Deputy Director General of ICRISAT, speaking on behalf of
Director General William Dar, the new initiative will create a
new platform for information sharing on agricultural research in
Dr P M Bhargava, Vice Chair of Indian National Knowledge
Commission, participated in the workshop, and said that the
technology and application can take agricultural information
sharing into a new paradigm.
Though open access documentation
systems have been popular in many other areas of science
communication in India, it is not being used in agricultural
research documentation. The initiative has been launched to
bridge this gap. It will also implement lessons learnt from
existing global open access systems such as AGRIS, the
international information system for the agricultural sciences
and technology, initiated by FAO.
The AGRIS Secretariat in Rome has
taken up several new initiatives in the last few years in face
of the exponential growth in available information on
agricultural research. Development of new metadata (information
that describes how, when and by whom data has been collected and
formatted) standards to share information coupled with open
source software now in use can ensure open access for users
The new open access agriculture
information will enable agricultural scientists to obtain
information through the Internet that are more searchable, more
value added information such as who is the writer, citation and
source credibility. |