November 1, 2006
Australian barley growers need to
be aware of varietal purity when preparing their seed for the
coming season.
GRDC Western Panel member
David Capper said varietal purity of malting barley was critical
as it dramatically affected malting and brewing performance and
this was the time of year growers considered seed for sowing
next year.
"Receival standards for varietal purity are 95 per cent, however
export customers usually demand a 98 per cent purity minimum.
Unfortunately, there is no receival point test for varietal
purity, so the system relies on growers' declarations being
"Varietal purity isn't just an issue for growers. Everyone in
the grain supply chain plays a part. Breeders, commercial seed
growers, seed cleaners and bulk handlers can all contribute to
varietal impurities and need to continually review their
practices," Mr Capper said.
Varietal purity testing is available through numerous sources,
including the CBH Group and the Department of Agriculture and
Food. |