May 26, 2006 Source:
CropBiotech Update
Two European countries, France and the Czech Republic, are
expected to grow more genetically modified (GM) maize this year.
Daniel Cheron, director of Vilmorin, a French seed producer,
made a forecast that France will increase maize plantings from
about 1,000 hectares to an estimated 5,000 hectares.
Similarly, the Czech Republic is expected to increase maize
plantings from 270 to as much as 3,000 hectares by the end of
2006, says Miroslav Tyl, a farming consultant. The Czech
Republic is now in fifth place among European countries that are
growing GM maize. Spain still leads with plantings of 50,000
Increased plantings are anticipated in the two countries due to
the farmers’ favorable experience with GM maize.
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