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Decisions taken in the 66th  Meeting of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) held on 2nd  May 2006
May, 2006


The The 65th Meeting of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) was held on 2nd May 2006 in the Ministry of Environment and Forests under the Chairmanship of Shri B S Parsheera Additional Secretary, MoEF and Chairman GEAC.

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Excerpts of relevance to seed professionals)
Full report in PDF format:


  • Presentation by M/s Mahyco on the results of the biosafety studies conducted in respect of stacked Cry X (Cry I Ac and Cry 2 Ab) genes (event MON 15985) in cotton crop.

  • Presentation by Central Organization for Oil Industry and Trade, Cargill India and the Solvent Extractors Association of India on the import of GM Soybean oil from USA and South America.

  • Discussion on the representations received from NGOs regarding irregularities in the field trials of transgenic crops.

  • Permission for export of Eggplant transgenic seeds containing cry1 Ac gene to Institute Of Plant Breeding, College Of Agriculture, University of Philippines and Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute, Bangladesh by M/s Mahyco.


  • Permission for commercial release of transgenic cotton hybrids NCS 138  Bt  containing Cry1 Ac gene (MON 531 event)— by M/s Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd.

  • Permission for commercial release of transgenic cotton hybrids Tulasi-117 Bt containing Cry1 Ac gene (MON 531 event) — by M/s Tulasi Seeds Ltd.

  • Permission for commercial release of transgenic cotton hybrids MRC-7301 BG II and MRC – 7326 BG II containing stacked genes Cry1 Ac and Cry 2Ab (MON 15985 event)—BG-II  by M/s Mahyco. 

  • Permission for commercial release of transgenic cotton hybrids ACH-11-2 BGII containing stacked genes Cry1 Ac and Cry 2Ab (MON 15985 event)—BG-II by M/s Ajeet Seeds  Ltd. 

  • Permission for commercial release of transgenic cotton hybrids KDCHH-441 BGII,  and KDCHH-621  BG II,  containing stacked genes Cry1 Ac and Cry 2Ab (event MON 15985)—BG-II  by M/s Krishidhan Seeds  Ltd.

  • Permission for commercial release of transgenic cotton hybrid KDCHH-9810 Bt containing Cry 1Ac gene (MON-531 event) by M/s Krishidhan Seeds Ltd.

  • Permission for commercial release of transgenic cotton hybrid NCS 913 containing Cry 1 Ac gene (MON 531 event) by M/s Nuziveedu.

  • Permission for commercial release of transgenic cotton hybrid NPH 2171 Bt  containing Cry 1Ac gene (MON-531 event) by M/s Prabhat Agri biotech Ltd.


  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids Krishna BG,  Chetna BG, Sudershan BG and MLCH – 318 BG containing Cry 1Ac gene ( MON 531 event) by M/s Emergent Research India Ltd.

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids Paras, Laxmi (HXB) containing Cry 1Ac gene ( MON 531  event) by M/s Emergent Research India Ltd. 

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids- Rudra- Bt,  PRCH-31 Bt, containing Cry 1Ac gene (MON-531 event) by M/s Pravardhan Seeds. 

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids-KDCHH- 9821 Bt and KDCHH-9632 Bt, containing Cry 1Ac gene (MON-531 event) by M/s Krishidhan Seeds  Ltd.

  • Permission for 2nd Year large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids-ACH-155-2 containing stacked genes Cry 1Ac + Cry 2Ab gene ( MON 15985 event) by M/s Ajeet Seeds.

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids Paras, Laxmi (HXB) containing stacked genes Cry 1Ac + Cry 2Ab gene ( MON 15985 event) by M/s Emergent Research India Ltd.

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids Chetna BG II, Atal BG II, MLCH – 315 BG II and Brahma BG II containing stacked genes Cry 1Ac + Cry 2Ab gene ( MON 15985 event) by M/s Emergent Research India Ltd.

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids Dhruv Bt (ZCH – 50064), Polaris Bt (ZCH – 50081) and K – 5038 Bt (ZCH-50067))  encoding fusion genes (cry 1Ab+Cry Ac) ‘ GFM by M/s Zuari Seeds Ltd.

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids-Navkar-5 encoding) encoding fusion genes (cry 1Ab+Cry Ac) ‘ GFM by M/s Navkar Hybrid Seeds.

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids G-Cot   Hybrid -8  encoding fusion genes (cry 1Ab+Cry Ac) ‘ GFM   by M/s Nath Seeds  Ltd. 

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids NHH- 44, Kashinath Bt encoding fusion genes (cry 1Ab+Cry Ac) ‘ GFM   by M/s Nath Seeds  Ltd. 

  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids JKCH –666 Bt, JKCH – 226 Bt, JKCH – 2301 Bt and JK - Gowri containing Cry 1Ac gene ( Event 1) by M/s JK Agri Genetics.


  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids JKCH – 226 Bt containing Cry 1Ac gene (MON 531 event) by M/s JK Agri Genetics Ltd.


  • Permission for large scale trials and seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids-Navkar-5 encoding fusion genes (cry 1Ab+Cry Ac) ‘ GFM   by M/s Navkar Hybrid Seeds.


  • Permission for 2nd year large scale trials of transgenic cotton hybrids KDCHH-621 BGII containing stacked genes Cry Ac gene (MON-15985 event) by M/s Krishidhan Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

Full report in PDF format:

GEAC report

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