Hyderabad, India
May 11, 2006
The Director General of the
International Crops Research
Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Dr William D
Dar, today received the Best Techology Incubator 2005 Award from
the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. Dr
Dar received the Award for the Agri-Business Incubator (ABI) at
ICRISAT, which was adjudged the Best Technology Incubator in the
country during 2005.
Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of the Planning
Commission, presented the award to Dr Dar, in the presence of Mr
Kapil Sibal, Honorable Minister of Science & Technology and
Ocean Development. The award was presented at a function
organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, at New
Delhi, to celebrate the National Technology Day on 11 May.
The ABI was selected for the award in recognition of the
"excellent work done in promoting technology-based ventures in
the agri-biotechnology sector."
According to Dr William Dar, the selection of ABI at ICRISAT for
the Best Technology Award is a testimonial to the institute's
success in attracting public-private sector partnerships for
developing agricultural technologies into successful
agri-business ventures. "It has been proved that a strong and
dynamic agri-business substantially contributes to growth in
agricultural production and employment," Dr Dar said.
The ABI has been established with financial support from the
National Science Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board
(NSTEDB) within the Ministry of Science and Technology. Through
the ABI, ICRISAT is promoting several technologies ranging from
farm-based to advanced biotechnologies.
The agri-business products and technologies incubated through
the ABI are: sweet sorghum for ethanol production;
Helicoverpa-resistant transgenic cotton; biofermenter for
biopesticide production; drought-resistant groundnut variety
ICGV 91114; better-yielding chickpea varieties JG-11 and KAK-2;
biopesticide formulations for controlling crop pest;
pesticide-free crops and produce through organic farming.
The enterprise partners of ABI include Rusni Distilleries;
Bioseed Research India; Seed Works India; Slesser and Tom
Electronics; Hyglass and Chemicals; Aakrruthi Agricultural
Associates of India; Mekins Biotech; G-Tech Seeds Exports; AG
Biotech Research; Agro-Biotech Research; Ecosense; Biotech
Internationals; Indore Biotech; Multiplex Biotech; Navayuga;
Romvijay; and Nirmal Seeds. |