Urbana, Illinois
May 1, 2006
futures prices are forecasting much higher farm prices for the
2006-07 marketing year than will likely be forecasted by the
USDA next week, said a
University of Illinois
Extension marketing specialist.
December 2006 corn futures trading near $2.73, and higher prices
for later delivery, the futures market reflects a 2006-07
average farm price near $2.65," said Darrel Good. "November
soybean futures near $6.25, along with a positive carry in the
price structure, reflect a 2006-07 average farm price near
Good's comments came as he reviewed the markets in anticipation
of the USDA's monthly report of world supply and demand
prospects to be released on May 12. For U.S. crops, this report
will contain the first projections for the 2006-07 marketing
"For the current marketing year, the report may contain some
revisions for the projected level of consumption of corn and
soybeans," said Good. "In the case of corn, the rapid pace of
exports and export sales since early January may result in a
larger projection than the current 1.95 billion bushels. Exports
are running about 9 percent ahead of last year's pace and
unshipped sales as of April 20 were 23 percent larger than
unshipped sales of a year ago.
"The pace of export activity is on track to reach about two
billion bushels. A 25 million bushels increase in the export
projection might be expected in the May report."
The rapid increase in the number of cattle placed in feedlots
suggests that domestic feed and residual use could also exceed
the current projection of six billion bushels, Good noted.
Similarly, continued expansion of ethanol production may result
in domestic processing use of corn exceeding the current
projection of 2.985 billion bushels.
"The June Grain Stocks report will provide the next opportunity
to calculate the rate of domestic corn use," said Good. "Whether
or not these projections are changed in the upcoming report, the
market appears to anticipate an eventual increase. Stocks of
corn at the end of the current marketing year may be 100 to 125
million bushels less than the current forecast of 2.3 billion
For soybeans, the pace of exports and export sales suggest that
marketing year exports will be near, or slightly below, the 900
million bushels projected by the USDA. Export commitments are
about 21 percent smaller than those of a year ago, while the
USDA export projection is only 18 percent smaller than last
year's exports.
"The USDA projects the 2005-06 marketing year crush of soybeans
at 1.72 billion bushels, 1.5 percent larger than the crush of a
year ago," he said.
"Through the first seven months of the year, the cumulative
crush exceeded that of a year ago by 1 percent. While
projections of consumption may not be changed this month, the
current pace of use suggests that use may be 20 million bushels
less and year-ending stocks of 20 million bushels more than
current projections."
For the 2006-07 marketing year, the USDA's projections of crop
size will be based on March planting intentions, a projection of
unharvested acreage, and an average yield based on an analysis
of trend yields. Last year, for example, harvested acreage of
corn was projected based on the relationship between harvested
and planted acreage for the previous six years, excluding 2002.
The yield forecast was based on the trend from 1960 to 2004,
excluding 1988 and adjusted for 2005 planting progress.
"A repeat of that procedure this year might result in
projections of harvested acreage of 70.9 million, an average
yield of 149 bushels, and a crop of 10.565 billion bushels,"
said Good. "The market may actually expect a larger crop,
guessing that planted acreage will exceed intentions."
The USDA's projection of 2006-07 marketing year consumption of
corn will be of equal interest to the projection of production,
Good added.
"A large increase in ethanol use will likely be projected, along
with a significant increase in exports and a small increase in
feed and residual use," he said. "Projected use could be near
11.5 billion bushels, pointing to year-ending stocks of 1.35
billion bushels and an average farm price in a range centered on
$2.25 to $2.30 per bushel."
For soybeans, the 2006 production forecast will start with March
planting intentions. Last year, the projection of harvested
acreage was based on the five-year average
planted-to-harvested-acreage ratios by state. The average yield
was based on an analysis of 1978 through 2004 regional trends.
"That process in 2006 should result in a very large production
forecast, likely exceeding 3.2 billion bushels," said Good.
"There will also be more than usual interest in the forecasts of
2006-07 marketing year consumption of soybeans. Those forecasts
will reflect the expectations about soybean production in South
America, Chinese soybean demand, and the impact of high fuel
prices on expansion in bio-fuels production.
"It is hard to imagine, however, that the projections of use
will exceed expected production, so that larger year-ending
stocks and a lower average price may be anticipated for 2006-07.
The forecast price range may center on a value near $5.25 per
bushel. The market may expect a smaller crop than forecast,
anticipating that planted acreage will be less than intentions.
However, recent strength in soybean prices is not encouraging
producers to reduce soybean acreage."
Bob Sampson |