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Meeting of the Flower Association of Queensland to address industry woes
Toowoomba, Queensland
May 9, 2006


Native flower growers, researchers and industry leaders from around Queensland and New South Wales, will meet in Toowoomba during May for a day of presentations at the inaugural Annual Native Flower Seminar Day. 


The program is aimed at maximising the profitability, productivity and sustainability of the Australian native flower industry which is currently feeling the pressure from diminishing returns from export markets and increasing production and transportation costs. 


The Seminar will be held on the 26th & 27th May at the Queensland Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Tor St complex in Toowoomba and is being organised by the Flower Association of Queensland – the state peak industry body.


Key speakers for the event include Ewan Colquhoun who will give the opening address on the Federal Industry Partnership Process and Gerry Parlevliet from Department of Agriculture, Western Australia who will speak on “What is a profitable flower farm” and “New crop development.”  


There will also be in-depth discussions on production management including the South East Queensland Irrigation Futures Rural Water Use Efficiency Initiative in which the cut flower industry has now been included.  There will also be discussions on exporting, marketing and the latest research & development results.


A field tour on the 27th May will take in a local native flower farm and will also include a visit to the revolutionary shaped greenhouse research facility at the University of Queensland’s Gatton Campus.


A dinner will be held on Friday night at Angelo’s House, 210 Herries Street, Toowoomba.  Delegates will enjoy a sumptuous three course meal followed by a demonstration of native floral arrangements by local florist Sandy Kahler of Highfields Florist.


For a booking form and/or further information, please call Wendy at FAQI on 3824 9537 or email  Program information can also be obtained at the FAQI website .


The Flower Association of Queensland Inc. (FAQI) is Queensland’s peak representative body for the Queensland cut flower and foliage industry.  FAQI’s mission is to help members achieve their individual business goals and to contribute to the development of the Queensland cut flower industry by (1) effectively representing members’ interests on agreed issues to governments and other stakeholders, and (2) providing other agreed services including: education & training, industrial relations and research and development.

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