March 29, 2006
Commission, DG Health and Consumer Protection, Plant Health
Council Directive 2002/53/EC of 13 June 2002 on the common
catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species and
Council Directive 2002/55/EC of 13 June 2002 on the
marketing of vegetable seed lay down the legislative basis for
the common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species
and the common catalogue of varieties of vegetable species
respectively. These catalogues are established on the basis of
information received from the Member States and published in the
Official Journal. They list those varieties whose seed is
subject to no marketing restrictions within the Community as
regards variety. Varieties must meet standards, notably
pertaining to distinctness, uniformity, stability and, in the
case of agriculture, value for cultivation and use in order to
be listed. In the case of varieties of agricultural plant
species, their satisfactory value for cultivation and use is
based on yields, resistance to harmful organisms, behaviour with
respect to factors in the physical environment and quality
Commission Regulation (EC) No 930/2000
of 4 May 2000 establishing implementing rules as to the
suitability of the denominations of varieties of
agricultural plant species and vegetable species
Official Journal L
108, 05/05/2000 p. 3 - 6
Council Directive 2002/53/EC
of 13 June 2002 on the common catalogue of varieties of
agricultural plant species
Official Journal L
193, 20/07/2002 p. 1 - 11
Council Directive 2002/55/EC
of 13 June 2002 on the marketing of vegetable seed
Official Journal L
193, 20/07/2002 p. 33 - 59
Commission Directive 2003/90/EC
of 6 October 2003 setting out implementing measures for the
purposes of Article 7 of Council Directive 2002/53/EC as
regards the characteristics to be covered as a minimum by
the examination and the minimum conditions for examining
certain varieties of agricultural plant species (Text with
EEA relevance)
Official Journal L
254, 08/10/2003 p. 7 - 10
Commission Directive 2003/91/EC
of 6 October 2003 setting out implementing measures for the
purposes of Article 7 of Council Directive 2002/55/EC as
regards the characteristics to be covered as a minimum by
the examination and the minimum conditions for examining
certain varieties of vegetable species (Text with EEA
Official Journal L
254, 08/10/2003 p. 11 - 13
Commission Decision 2004/297/EC
of 29 March 2004 authorising the Czech Republic, Estonia,
Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to postpone the
application of certain provisions of Council Directives
2002/53/EC and 2002/55/EC with regard to the marketing of
seeds of certain varieties (notified under document number
C(2004) 962) (Text with EEA relevance)
Official Journal L 097
, 01/04/2004 P. 66 - 67
Commission Decision 2004/842/EC
of 1 December 2004 concerning implementing rules whereby
Member States may authorise the placing on the market of
seed belonging to varieties for which an application for
entry in the national catalogue of varieties of agricultural
plant species or vegetable species has been submitted
(notified under document number C(2004) 4493) (Text with EEA
Official Journal L 362
, 09/12/2004 P. 21 - 27