March 23, 2006
by Mike Shanahan,
Hundreds of millions of people in
developing countries will remain trapped in poverty unless major
changes are made to the way water is managed for agriculture,
say scientists.
In a
report released at this week's World Water Forum in Mexico,
they say that global demand for food will double by 2050 and —
unless farming is made more efficient — so will the amount of
water needed to produce this food.
The report, by the
International Water
Management Institute (IWMI) and nine partners, challenges
researchers to find ways of making farming more water-efficient.
"It takes 70 times more water to
grow the food we eat every day than we need for drinking,
cooking, bathing and other domestic needs," says IWMI director
general, Frank Rijsberman.
The report points out only 40 per
cent of rainfall reaches rivers and groundwater.
By focusing on this 'blue water',
it says, water managers are ignoring 'green water' — the
remaining 60 per cent that is either evaporated directly from
the soil or taken up by plants before it reaches rivers and
The IWMI says that making better
use of green water is essential to meet the UN Millennium
Development Goals on poverty, hunger, sanitation and water.
Agriculture can be made more water
efficient in developing countries if farmers harvest rainwater
or use small scale, inexpensive irrigation technologies, says
the report.
For example, perforated plastic
tubes laid on the ground can deliver drips of water directly to
where it is needed, at the base of planted crops.
The report points out that
irrigation systems in Africa and Asia typically take 2,000
litres of water to produce on kilogramme of rice or wheat,
whereas the most efficient systems require only 500 litres.
Making fields more efficient at
using the irrigation and rainfall they already receive could
eliminate the need to irrigate them more, says Rijsberman.
Another "major challenge and
opportunity for research" is to find ways of safely using
waste-water for farming, says the report.
"Technologies are available but
remain largely untested," it adds.
Yesterday (22 March), the
United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) released a
report saying
that agriculture is the biggest threat to freshwater resources.
"Irrigated agriculture accounts
for 70 percent of freshwater used globally, with only 30 percent
of this returned to the environment," said Nick Nuttall, a UNEP
Link to full IWMI report
Link to full UNEP report
SciDev.Net articles:
Water supply 'unstable' for
most of Africa
China and Australia to
collaborate on water research
Related links:
World Water Forum |