Scott, Mississippi
March 9, 2006
Evaluation of on-farm tests
indicates better value per acre for D&PL varieties
The best strategy for nematode-infested fields this year is to
put down a proven insecticide or seed treatment for the
soil-borne pests and plant top-performing cotton varieties from
Delta and Pine Land
Company (D&PL).
Based on an extensive evaluation
of on-farm variety test locations completed by D&PL Technical
Services, the new D&PL cotton varieties — DP 445 BG/RR and DP
455 BG/RR — out-performed ST 5599BR in fields with
above-threshold levels of both reniform and root knot nematodes.
D&PL Technical Services researched
more than 200 on-farm test locations from across the United
States to locate trials that compared these varieties on fields
that had above-threshold levels of both nematode species. For
this comparison, abovethreshold level for root knot was
determined to be 150 nematodes per 150 cc of soil,
and above-threshold for reniform was determined to be 500
nematodes per 150 cc of soil. There were 14 locations with DP
445 BG/RR versus ST 5599BR planted on fields with
above-threshold levels of root knot, and 17 locations planted on
fields with above-threshold levels of reniform nematodes. For DP
455 BG/RR versus ST
5599BR, 11 locations were found planted on fields with
above-threshold levels of root knot, and 13 locations were found
planted on fields with above-threshold levels of reniform
The comparisons showed the new
D&PL stacked-gene varieties delivered better value per acre due
to higher average lint yields and better average fiber quality
across the locations. The average crop value for DP 445 BG/RR at
root knot locations was $678 per acre, 8.2 percent greater than
ST 5599BR. At reniform locations, the average crop value of DP
445 BG/RR was $547 per acre, a staggering 13.4 percent greater
than the competitor. The average crop value of DP 455 BG/RR was
$606 per acre at the root knot locations and $523 per acre at
the reniform locations, a 2.9 percent and 6.1 percent advantage
respectively over ST 5599BR.
“ST 5599BR is marketed as being
tolerant to root knot nematodes, but the data shows the D&PL
varieties out-performed ST 5599BR in test locations planted in
above-threshold levels of reniform and root knot nematodes,”
points out Ken Lege, Technical Services Regional Director for
D&PL. “DP 445 BG/RR and DP 455 BG/RR graded better than the
competitor and offered higher yield potential averaged over
these locations. The fact that these two D&PL varieties
performed so well at locations with high nematode pressure
suggests they may have some tolerance to the pests.”
DP 445 BG/RR is an early- to
mid-maturity variety with semi-smooth leaves and fair storm
resistance. It has demonstrated outstanding potential for both
high yield and premium fiber quality in testing across the U.S.
Cotton Belt. DP 455 BG/RR is a midmaturity variety with smooth
leaves and very good storm resistance. This variety has also
demonstrated outstanding potential for both high yield and
premium fiber quality. It has been in particularly strong demand
in Texas after good performance last season.
Because of their maturities, both
DP 445 BG/RR and DP 455 BG/RR make great companion products to
the leading D&PL cotton varieties, DP 444 BG/RR and DP 555
BG/RR. For producers who want strong potential for high yields
and premium grades in 2006, both DP 445 BG/RR and DP 455 BG/RR
are excellent choices.
“Before deciding how to approach
the worst nematode-infested fields this year consider the facts:
both DP 445 BG/RR and DP 455 BG/RR have demonstrated excellent
performances in situations where root knot and reniform
nematodes were a problem,” Lege says.
D&PL cotton seed is packaged in
standard bags containing a minimum of 250,000 seeds, and
8-million-seed Boll Box bulk delivery systems. To place seed
orders, call Customer Service at 1-888-511-SEED (7333).
Delta and Pine Land Company is
a commercial breeder, producer and marketer of cotton planting
seed, as well as soybean seed, in the Cotton Belt. For almost 90
years, the company has used its extensive plant breeding
programs, drawing from a diverse germplasm base, to develop
improved cotton varieties. Delta and Pine Land
Company (NYSE: DLP), headquartered in Scott, Mississippi, has
offices in eight states and facilities in several foreign
D&PL and Deltapine are registered trademarks of Delta and Pine
Land Company. “Yield. Fiber. More.” is a trademark of Delta and
Pine Land Company.
Bollgard®, Roundup Ready® and Bollgard II® are registered
trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC and used under license. |