Columbia, Missouri
March 2, 2006
Soybean producers who have
unexplained yield losses shouldn't dismiss soybean cyst nematode
as the possible culprit, even if they're planting SCN-resistant
varieties, a University of
Missouri researcher said.
"Many farmers think the SCN problem is licked (with resistant
soybeans)," said Bob Heinz, coordinator of the MU Nematology
Laboratory. "I would think it's licked, too, if I didn't see the
high samples come in."
During the 2005 season, Heinz, in cooperation with producers and
assistance from MU Extension regional agronomists, collected 122
soil samples from 47 Missouri counties and tested them for
soybean cyst nematode, a parasitic roundworm that feeds on the
roots of soybeans and can cause up to 30 percent yield loss.
Participating producers also were asked about their use of
SCN-resistant soybean varieties and their perceptions about the
impact of SCN on their operations.
Analysis revealed that while 61 percent of the producers'
samples contained SCN egg levels that exceeded the economic
damage threshold, 62 percent of the producers did not believe
they had any yield loss attributable to SCN.
"We asked how long they had been planting resistant soybean
varieties, and we found that 85 to 92 percent of producers
currently plant SCN-resistant beans," Heinz said. "Producers are
losing yield, but they're not attributing the loss to SCN
because they are growing resistant beans and don't think they
have a problem."
Heinz explained that just as bacteria can become tolerant of
antibiotics and weeds can become tolerant to herbicides, soybean
cyst nematodes can overcome the defenses of a once-resistant
soybean variety.
"Around 90 percent of all SCN-resistant beans in Missouri derive
their resistance from the same source," he said. "By only having
one source of resistance, you're just asking for trouble because
it could eventually break down. A farmer thinks he's growing
resistant beans, but really he's developing a population of
nematodes that may grow well on his resistant line."
Heinz said scientists are uncertain why resistant lines seem to
remain effective for one producer, while the same resistance is
overcome by nematodes in another producer's fields.
"It'd be nice to make generalizations for everyone to use, but
we don't fully understand all the genetic and environmental
variables in the different field populations," he said. "The
best action producers can take is to monitor their fields by
sending in a soil sample for an egg count at least once every
three years."
Heinz added that researchers such as MU plant pathologist
Melissa Mitchum are studying how soybean cyst nematodes break
resistance and are seeking new strategies for resistance through
Of those producers participating in the 2005 survey, 64 percent
had never submitted a sample for an SCN egg count test. Only 6
percent of producers had submitted a sample within the past five
years. "If you have a problem field, a $15 SCN egg count can buy
a lot of peace of mind," Heinz said.
He recommended sampling fields that have slipped in yield or
have had a history of high egg counts. Proper sampling technique
will insure an accurate count.
For those who do find high egg counts in fields where resistant
lines have been grown for years, the lab also offers an HG Type
race test that indicates the race of SCN in the field, Heinz
said. Producers also can include up to two soybean varieties
with the test, providing them with information on how those
varieties fare against the SCN types in their fields and helping
them choose a soybean variety with a different source of
"Races can shift and decrease the effectiveness of resistant
soybeans, but the process of races shifting and the breakdown of
resistance may vary greatly from one farm to another," he said.
"If a field is not yielding up to par, a farmer's first step
should be to get an SCN egg count test. If the test reveals a
problem, then a HG Type race test may be needed. However, unless
a field has a high egg count, the SCN race isn't very
More nematology lab information including submission forms,
sampling techniques and fee structures can be found online at Submission forms also are
available at local extension offices throughout the state, he
said. |