March 2, 2006
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT) has strengthened its partnerships with the
private sector through its recent understanding with the
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to work together on
improved natural resource management for sustainable rural
development. This will strengthen ICRISAT's initiative for
partnerships with the private sector through its Agri Science
ICRISAT and CII had jointly
organized a joint workshop on 27 February for finding ways to
collaborate on sustainable rural development. The Andhra Pradesh
Agriculture Minister, Mr N Raghuveera Reddy, participated in the
workshop and promised the state government's support for the
According to Dr William Dar,
Director General of ICRISAT, the institute was the first among
the 15 international agricultural research centers under the
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
(CGIAR) to initiate partnerships with the private sector. And
this initiative has yielded successful results benefiting the
poor and marginal farmers of the semi-arid tropics.
"We strongly believe that
collaborative arrangements and strategic alliances are the ways
of winning organizations. Our collaborations are geared towards
helping mobilize cutting edge science and technology for the
well-being of the poor in the semi-arid tropics of Asia and
sub-Saharan Africa," said Dr Dar.
As an innovations- and
impact-driven organization, ICRISAT is proactively attuned to
external changes. The institute's strategic partnerships with
the public and private sectors, NGOs, civil society and
international bodies are meant to develop novel approaches that
aid the transition from traditional production practices to
sustainable systems that are more aligned with current markets.
The Agri-Science Park at ICRISAT
is the 'hub' for public-private partnerships that enhance the
development and commercialization of science-generated
technologies and knowledge through market mechanisms. It
consists of the Agri-Biotech Park (a part of the Genome Valley
Initiative of the Andhra Pradesh government); the Agri-Business
Incubator with eight private sector partners as incubates; a
seeds consortium; and the SAT Eco-Venture (the agricultural
eco-tourism initiative being developed in collaboration with the
Andhra Pradesh Department of Tourism).
The recognition of the private
sector as a valuable research for development partner led to the
formation of the Sorghum and Pearl millet Hybrid Parents
Research Consortia with 16 private seed companies becoming
consortia members for sorghum, 18 for pearl millet, and 11 being
common for both the crops. Products developed with consortia
grants are available freely to the public sector.
The Biopesticides Research
Consortium (BRC) with 11 biopesticide manufacturers as members,
is meant to develop, promote and commercialize the use of
biopesticides by farmers. The partnership research will validate
protocols for low-cost, commercial-scale production of microbial
biopesticides developed at ICRISAT, and will promote
agricultural practices that enable low-cost crop protection. The
private sector partners will market the biopesticides.
ICRISAT is already partnering with
private sector partners for natural resources management (NRM)
through watershed development. The institute has been working
with Sir Dorabjee Tata Trust to scale-up farmer's participatory
watershed development in Guna district of Madhya Pradesh and
Boondi district of Rajasthan. In a recently initiated project,
ICRISAT is working on an NRM project in Eruvadi village of
Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with the
TVS Agri-Sciences Research Institute.
Further, ICRISAT has also been
collaborating with private sector companies to achieve crop
diversification and market linkages and employment generation in
the watersheds. This is by growing medicinal and aromatic
plants, developing commercial products and marketing them.
Biodiesel plantations are also being incorporated in ICRISAT-led
watershed projects.
The collaboration with CII will
greatly enhance ICRISAT's collaboration with the private-sector.
Initially ICRISAT will be involved with the NRM component of
CII's project in Dungarpur district of Rajasthan. The
CII-industry group on Dungarpur is taking up business
initiatives, which would lead to overall sustainable development
of the district. CII also hopes to start a similar project in
Andhra Pradesh, an initiative in which ICRISAT could
participate. |