Rome, Italy
June 8, 2006Opinion piece by Dr
Emile Frison, Director General,
International Plant Genetic
Resources Institute (IPGRI)
Source: CGIAR
In 1999
scientists identified a virulent new strain of black stem rust
disease on wheat in Uganda. In 2001 it slashed Kenyan harvests
by more than two-thirds. If this strain, called UG99, spreads to
the rest of the world – “only a matter of time,” according to an
expert panel – it could destroy 60 million tonnes of wheat a
year, 10 per cent of the global harvest, worth about US$ 9
billion annually. Next week (12-16 June) representatives of more
than 100 countries gather in Madrid, Spain, for the first
meeting of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
The two are
intimately linked because any durable resistance to UG99 will be
found in the genes of a variety of wheat or its relatives, and
the Governing Body of the International Treaty has the chance to
make it much easier for farmers and scientists to obtain the raw
material they need to secure the future of agriculture, not just
from UG99 but from all the other diseases and challenges that
threaten food security around the world.
International Treaty addresses a predicament that arose from the
climate of distrust, engendered largely by patenting, that
surrounded the negotiation of the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD). The CBD established the idea that countries
could exercise sovereign rights over their genetic resources.
Before, it had been assumed that genetic resources were the
common heritage of humanity. According to the CBD, the use of
these resources should be regulated by contracts between the
owner of the resources and those who wished to use them. For
drug companies, who can isolate a single active compound from a
plant and calculate the profits reasonably easily, that made
But farming is
not like pharmacology. Hundreds of varieties from scores of
countries can go into the pedigree of a single modern variety.
Agreements are costly and hard to monitor and no plant breeder,
public or private, could afford to enter into all the bilateral
agreements to use the diversity needed. The International Treaty
cuts through the tangle by establishing a Multilateral System
for access and benefit sharing. Each country that signs up gains
easier access to agricultural plant genetic resources from all
the other signatories and a special fund will distribute cash
benefits for conservation, especially in developing countries.
There remains, however, one sticking point: the Material
Transfer Agreement. This sets out the terms of use for a sample
of plant genetic resources, including provisions that ensure
recipients cannot restrict further availability and the details
of cash payments if a recipient commercializes a variety that
makes use of the material.
The Agreement
is crucial to the working of the Treaty, and yet the Governing
Body still has not settled on a final text. Some countries seem
to be taking a tough line to keep down the level of payments and
the conditions that would trigger them. Others may be looking
for the kind of profits they see associated with block-buster
drugs. What is needed is a gesture of trust, to repair the
atmosphere of suspicion that has developed over the past couple
of decades.
Free exchange
of genetic resources is in fact the greatest single benefit of
the Treaty. Countries depend on one another for their food
security to an astonishing and largely unappreciated degree. If
the delegates to the meeting sit down to a typically Spanish
dish of paella, will they realize that the rice comes originally
from southeast Asia, the onions and garlic from central Asia,
the saffron from Greece, the peppers, the tomatoes and the
chillies in the chorizo from South America? They may know that
the last big epidemic of stem rust in the United States, in the
1950s, destroyed 70% of the wheat harvest. Do they also know
that an ancient relative of modern bread wheat, originally found
in the Soviet Union, supplied the genes that continue to protect
the crop today?
Agriculture is
an arms race. Farmers and scientists improve their crops and
methods to protect them against pests and diseases; the pests
and diseases respond by evolving new ways to exploit unforeseen
vulnerabilities. UG99 is just one manifestation of this process,
in which the disease once again has the upper hand. There are
many, many others. Solutions, especially for the poorer farmers
of developing countries who cannot afford chemical protection,
will come from existing crop varieties, but to make use of those
resources farmers and scientists need ready access. The
International Treaty will provide that access, but only if the
Governing Body adopts a workable Material Transfer Agreement
that once again opens up the global flow of crop diversity. This
is far more than an arcane technical consideration; it is no
less than the future of food security and sustainable
agriculture. |