June 1, 2006
The Chief Minister of Andhra
Pradesh, Dr Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, presented the groundnut
variety ICGV 91114 developed by the
International Crops Research
Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) to the farmers
of Anantapur district at a function organized at the Patancheru
campus of ICRISAT today.
The Honorable Chief Minister
symbolically handed over the seeds of ICGV 91114 to a group of
farmers from Anantapur district. Congratulating ICRISAT for
developing ICGV 91114, Dr Reddy said that the new variety will
help the Anantapur farmers obtain a higher groundnut yield even
while withstanding a longer drought. The new variety will
improve the income of the farmers of the district, while
protecting them from drought risk.
According to Dr William Dar,
Director General of ICRISAT, the development of ICGV 91114
highlights the commitment of the ICRISAT scientists to reach the
most appropriate seeds to the farmers. "It is a strong example
of science with a human face, where the farmer of the semi-arid
tropics decides what research product he wants from us."
Trials conducted by ICRISAT
scientists with farmers' participation show that ICGV 91114
yields on an average around 10% (range 5%-26%) more than TMV 2,
the variety currently popular in Anantapur and released in the
1940s. The average yield of TMV 2 under rainfed condition during
on-farm trials between 2002 and2005 (four years) was 1 ton per
hectare. Under good management conditions in the rabi season,
ICGV 91114 can yield 2.5 to 3.0 tons per hectare. ICGV 91114
matures early, is tolerant of mid-season and end-of-season
droughts, has an average shelling turnover of 75%, has an
average oil content of 48%, and has better digestibility for
For the farmers from Anantapur, groundnut is a preferred crop
since it survives the rough terrain and the uncertainty of
rainfall. Though the average rainfall is around 550 mm per year,
some parts of the district have recorded as low as 200 mm in bad
years and as high as 900 mm in good years.
Every year, on an average, farmers
grow groundnut over 800,000 hectares in the district, and in
good years, this can go up to one million ha, accounting for
nearly 70% of the cultivated area in the district, and making
groundnut cultivation a pillar of strength for the rural
economy. The crop can withstand up to 50 days of dry spell,
yielding farmers nuts for the market and fodder for their
However, for the Anantapur farmer
the choice of variety was limited. Since the 1940s the farmers
have been planting TMV 2 since they felt that the improved
varieties selected for propagation did not satisfy the very
specific needs of the district.
ICRISAT started the process in the
reverse. The groundnut breeding team from the Institute worked
with the farmers to select the most suitable varieties, and
together they selected ICGV 91114. The other partners in the
project were the Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural Research
University and the Rural Development Trust, an NGO.
To strengthen the delivery mechanism for ICGV 91114, the
Agri-Business Incubator (ABI) at ICRISAT is partnering with
Aakruthi Agricultural Associates of India (AAI) - a group of
entrepreneurs operating agri clinics - and the Andhra Pradesh
State Seed Development Corporation (APSSDC), the state
government institution mandated to reach seeds to farmers. The
APSSDC has bought 10 tons of breeder seed of ICGV 91114 from
ICRISAT for further multiplication and popularization.
ICRISAT has submitted a proposal
to the Andhra Pradesh Government to officially notify ICGV 91114
variety for promotion in Anantapur district. |