July 28, 2006
CropBiotech Update
A major
international scientific effort has been launched to develop a
new approach to boost rice production and avoid rice shortages
or famine. Scientists are looking at enhancing the rice plant’s
photosynthetic efficiency as alternative strategies are needed
to increase rice production under global realities of less land,
labor, and water.
The International Rice Research
Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines reports that new
knowledge generated by the sequencing of the rice genome now
allows more collaborative work to completely reconfigure the
rice plant’s photosynthetic system, the engine of rice
IRRI crop
ecologist John Sheehy, convener at a workshop on “C4 Rice –
Supercharging the Rice Engine” held at IRRI, explains that,
“The photosynthetic process is the engine of growth for the rice
plant, so, if we can improve that, then the whole plant
benefits.” This involves converting rice from a C3 plant to a C4
plant, where the “C” refers to the carbon captured by
photosynthesis for growth. To do this, C4 plants—such as
maize—use solar energy more effectively for growth.
For more
information, email Duncan Macintosh of IRRI at
d.macintosh@cgiar.org. |