Today the European
Competitiveness Council has reached a political agreement
between member states on the Seventh Framework Programme for
Research and Development (FP7) which will be the EU’s main
instrument for funding Community scientific research and
technological development from 2007 – 2013. FP7 will pave
the way towards the development of a knowledge-based
bio-economy and society in Europe.
While today’s agreement must
pass the European Parliament for second reading in Autumn
before being finally adopted, it means that FP7 is still on
track to start next year.
The political agreement is
based on the Commission’s amended proposal for FP7 (1) and
carries a total budget of EUR 54.6 billion, which means
approximately EUR 7 billion per year for research compared
to EUR 5 billion under FP6. SMEs and Public non-profit
organizations will also get 75% of their costs funded
compared to 50% under FP6.
The new Framework Programme
provides a boost for biotech companies to fund their
innovative research in key areas such as Health, Food,
Agriculture, Energy and Environment.
EuropaBio, the
European Association for Bioindustries, welcomes the EU
Competitiveness Council political agreement “EuropaBio is
pleased with the Council’s position on FP7. Although we do
remain disappointed that Member States have reduced the
overall budget initially proposed by the Commission, we are
strongly convinced that the implementation of FP7 will
provide a significant contribution to the competitiveness of
the European bio-industry, as well as to the public welfare
and economic growth across Europe”, says Dr. Johan
Vanhemelrijck, Secretary General of EuropaBio.
EuropaBio also welcomes the
agreement on stem cell research allowing the funding of
embryonic stem cell projects on a case-by-case basis,
depending on the laws of member states involved, the
contents of the scientific proposal and the evaluation of
the ethical committee. Continuing the funding on embryonic
stem cells research at European level is a postivie signal
for European biotech research, which may one day offer hope
for patients suffering from diseases like Parkinsons and
proposal is now set to go back to the European Parliament
for a second reading in November 2006.
(1) Amended proposal of the EU
Commission for an EU Parliament and Council decision
In April
2005, the European Commission published the outline of the
new framework programme (FP7), in September 2005 a
proposal for the research priorities and in December 2005
the 'Rules of Participation'. The
budgetary aspects to the programme were adopted in May 2006
by the EU Commission, following agreement on the EU's
Financial Perspectives for 2007 to 2013.
European Parliament adopted the proposals in June 2006,
requesting some 1,700 amendments; the majority of which were
then incorporated into the Commission's proposal.
The Commission published an
amended proposal for FP7 which was the subject of today’s
Political Agreement by the EU Council.
EuropaBio, the European
Association for Bioindustries, has 70 corporate members
operating worldwide, 11 associate members, 5 BioRegions and
24 national biotechnology associations representing some
1500 small and medium sized enterprises involved in research
and development, testing, manufacturing and distribution of
biotechnology products.