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New Executive Director announces EFSA’s future priorities
Parma, Italy
July 3, 2006

Today Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle takes up her post as EFSA’s new Executive Director. She will be in charge of steering EFSA through to its next stage of development during her five year term. Her work will be guided in particular by the recommendations recently adopted by EFSA’s Management Board.

Following up the external evaluation report on EFSA published in January 20061, the Management Board recommends that EFSA focus its efforts in six priority fields:

  1. Develop active networking and stronger co-operation with Member States
  2. Strengthen EFSA's relationship with its institutional partners (EU and international) and stakeholders
  3. Enhance EFSA’s organisation
  4. Enhance the impact and effectiveness of EFSA communications
  5. Develop EFSA’s role in nutrition
  6. Define EFSA’s medium and long-term vision

Commenting on her new appointment, Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle said: “I am joining EFSA at a very opportune moment. Building on the significant work done so far I am committed to further establishing EFSA as a European reference for risk assessment on food and feed safety both in the EU and internationally. European risk managers need to rely on independent scientific advice to underpin policies and decisions regarding food safety. It will be my job to take us there by working in close collaboration with Member States, key institutional partners and stakeholders”.

Further information on Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, the process that led to her appointment and her biography can be found at:

The recommendations of the EFSA Management Board with respect to the external evaluation of EFSA can be found at

1 See the full report at:  


Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle was involved in the creation of EFSA from the beginning. As Director General for Food of the French Ministry of Agriculture, she contributed with other Member States to the Founding Regulation that created EFSA. Appointed one of the two Vice-Chairs of the Board since its creation in 2002, she was directly involved in the development of the different bodies of EFSA, the definition of its working programme and the strategic orientations with regard to risk communications and relationship with stakeholders.

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