January 27, 2006
Pythium's role in making root systems vulnerable to attack by
other root pathogens has been uncovered by research aimed at
helping growers get the insidious fungal disease under control.
Pythium root disease has been
described as the 'common cold' of cropping systems but now the
research, led by the CSIRO in
partnership with Landmark AWB, could help to both cure and
prevent it. In common with a human cold, pythium is prevalent,
hard to beat and causes significant setbacks to productivity.
The research team has shown
that only partial disease control can lead to a yield increase
in cereals of 5-20%. Canola showed an improvement of 5-30% and
pulse yields increased by 5-50%. The scale of the yield response
depended on the season and previous cropping history.
The project is supported by
growers and the Australian Government through the
Grains Research and Development
Corporation (GRDC). It has found that pythium is the first
cab off the root disease rank because it is fast growing and can
infect as soon as the plant seed starts to germinate. Chemicals
released by germinating seeds and growing roots, known as
exudates, act as growth stimulants and attractants for the
pythium spores and allow them to grow quickly and infect the
roots. This weakens the plant and makes it vulnerable to
infection by other diseases, such as take-all and rhizoctonia.
Project leader and CSIRO
Entomology scientist Dr Paul Harvey said pythium was an
important disease in its own right, but the fact that it can
form a disease complex with other root pathogens makes it a
greater threat.
Previously, risk ratings have
only considered pythium as a seedling 'damping-off' disease that
reduces crop emergence and this rating has lead to the disease
being underestimated. However the research showed that the major
disease impact results when pythium root rot develops during the
first few months of the growing season.
Once plants are infected,
pythium strips off the fine lateral feeder roots and root hairs,
reducing nutrient and water uptake. Unlike rhizoctonia and
take-all, pythium produces large numbers of spores that enable
the pathogen to rapidly and continuously re-infect growing root
s as the plant struggles to grow. This leads to the development
of pythium root rot and root disease complexes with other fungi
later in the season.
The good news is that there are
some options for controlling pythium. The project found that
different crop types had varying degrees of susceptibility to
the disease itself and varying capacity to carry over the
disease to the next season. Dr Harvey said this information
could be used to plan rotations to thwart the disease. For
example, legumes and oilseeds are most vulnerable to pythium and
cereals are the least vulnerable. In a pasture phase ryegrasses
are a better choice than medics, for which pythium can be a
severe problem.
Pythium can also be controlled
using fungicides with the active ingredient metalaxyl. This is
usually applied as a seed dressing, so it only offers a short
window of protection against the pathogen. Dr Harvey said the
trials found that although seed dressing was only giving about
20% control of the disease in the first 2-3 months of crop
growth, is was still enough to produce good yield responses. The
team is now experimenting with different modes of application,
including adding the fungicide to fluid fertiliser and applying
it with drench nozzles.
The team is also working on
developing a biological control agent in the form of a naturally
occurring soil fungus that will both out-compete pythium and
prey upon it. Initial field results with the beneficial fungus
have been encouraging and it is being developed as an inoculant
for commercial release as an environmentally friendly disease
control option.
The Crop
Doctor is GRDC Managing Director, Peter Reading |