January 23, 2006
Source: The Crop Doctor, GRDC
It will be a case of three
conferences and three relevant Ute Guides early in 2006, with
the latest publications in the popular series on Disorders in
Sorghum, Maize and Sunflowers being released at the respective
conferences of those industries.
Funded by the Grains Research
and Development Corporation (GRDC) and produced by
Queensland's Department of
Primary Industries and Fisheries (QDPI&F), the A6 sized Ute
Guides are designed and produced to withstand the hard knocks
usually delivered in the glove box of your typical Australian
farm utility.
They are compact, measuring just 15cm by 10cm, and use materials
designed to withstand hard usage heavy duty, waterproof,
synthetic paper, full colour pages with full metal spiral
Queensland's Minister for Primary Industries, Tim Mulherin, will
release the Sorghum Disorders guide at the Fifth Australian
Sorghum Conference on the Gold Coasst on January 31.
The GRDC's Information Products and Services officer, Maureen
Cribb, says the value of the Ute Guides is as a field reference,
which people can take into the paddock and compare the situation
there with the appropriate photographs in the guide
The sorghum guide, like all its predecessors, relies on full
colour photographs and descriptive text to help growers
identifying any disorder they might suspect in sorghum.
Maureen says the earliest Ute Guides covered weeds and insects
for the northern grains region, cereal diseases and nutrition,
grain quality and canola.
The ³Disorders² component of the series has covered peanuts and
navy beans, mungbeans and soybeans, winter pulses, lucerne and
chickpeas before extending the approach to sorghum, maize and
The Sorghum Disorders guide contains five main sections,
covering diseases, nematodes, nutritional disorders,
environmental disorders and herbicide injury. A total of 56
disorders and 145 images allow for quick, easy, in-field
It will be available (after January 31) for $27.50, including
GST, from
Ground Cover Direct
PO Box 7456
Canberra MC, ACT 2610
free phone 1800 11 00 44
free fax 1800 0099 88 or email
the QDPI&F Information Centre
PO Box 102
Toowoomba, Qld 4350
phone 07 4688 1415
fax 07 4688 1416
The Crop Doctor, Peter Reading, is managing director of the
Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC). |