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Stoller marks 35 years of increasing crop production through improved plant health
Houston, Texas
February 23, 2006

Great companies often start with a simple idea.

Thirty-five years ago, Jerry Stoller became convinced that understanding and controlling a plant's reaction to stress was an important key to unlocking each plant's genetic potential. He committed his small micronutrient company to the research and development of yield-enhancing products. Along the way, Stoller has spearheaded the development and use of acid fertilizers, various unique forms of chelated micronutrients and the new field of Crop Health. Today, Stoller is the world leader in the development and sales of these products, with representatives in more than 50 countries. Stoller also continues to supply a complete line of micronutrients.

"We are dedicated to helping growers understand and naturally enhance the genetic potential of plants," said Stoller, president and CEO. "I would like to thank the producers and researchers who have supported us as we have grown the company together for more than three decades."

StollerUSA marked its 35th anniversary with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of its new 55,000-square-foot state-of-the-art production facility in Houston, Texas. This facility was brought on line to better meet the growing needs of Stoller worldwide.

Stoller products provide necessary inputs that are not available in most traditional plant nutrition programs.

"Our technology is based on the use of plant growth enhancement, supporting nutrients and other co-factors designed to ensure optimum hormone balance and activity," he said. "The result is healthier, more productive plants that are better able to withstand stress and reach full genetic potential."

These products can be applied as planned preventive or in-season treatments to supplement a producer's existing crop nutrition program. Stoller is committed to documenting the effectiveness of its products through third-party research. Recent results have been impressive:

  • An application of X-TRA POWER!TM increased corn yields by 30 bushels per acre in a study at the University of Illinois.

  • Bell pepper plants irrigated with Root FeedTM produced twice the yield and three times the number of
    No. 1 fancy grade peppers compared to the untreated control.

  • Stoller's Sugar MoverTM increased cotton lint quality and yield by $80 per acre.

  • Studies conducted in California show 30 percent to 60 percent increases in marketable tomato yields with Stoller products.

  • Stoller's Root FeedTM significantly boosted melon yield, quality and marketability in Texas A&M University trials.

In addition to boosting yield, Stoller products also have been demonstrated to enhance quality, uniformity and storability.

Stoller is proud of reaching this milestone but even more excited about the future. Enhanced plant health will be vital to feeding a growing world population and helping producers remain competitive, he said.

Enhancing a plant's own power helps take crop production to a higher level," he said. "It increases quality and marketable yield per acre, with a corresponding reduction in unit production cost for an improved total return on investment."

"This is the best defense in an increasingly competitive and economically challenging market environment."

In agribusiness for more than 35 years, Stoller markets a full line of products to help growers increase crop yield and quality. StollerUSA, headquartered in Houston, is actively researching and developing products in more than 50 countries.

Root Feed, Sugar Mover and X-TRA POWER are trademarks of StollerUSA.

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