Parma, Italy
February 17, 2006
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has invited
scientific expert representatives of non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) to a meeting next week in Parma to discuss
scientific aspects of EFSA’s work on genetically modified
organisms (GMOs).
In line with its policy on
engaging with organisations with a legitimate interest in EFSA’s
work, EFSA has invited scientists from environmental NGOs to
share views on scientific and procedural issues related to the
Authority’s work and advice in this field. Herman Koëter, EFSA’s
Acting Executive Director, will chair the meeting which will be
held on 22nd February 2006 in Parma.
The meeting illustrates EFSA’s
willingness to dialogue with interested parties on scientific
matters in line with EFSA’s policy on openness and transparency.
The Authority is committed to exchange and collaboration with
all of its stakeholders, including those who may hold different
views. At this meeting scientists from both EFSA’s Panel on
genetically modified organisms (GMO) and NGOs will give
presentations on topics related to the risk assessment of
genetically modified food, including environmental aspects.
In evaluating the safety of GMOs
EFSA applies the highest standards of scientific rigour and
follows internationally recognised procedures and methodologies.
The objective of the meeting is to consider if there are issues
of a scientific or technical nature that the Authority may wish
to take into account in the further development of its work and
operating procedures.
For further information on this
meeting, please consult the agenda published on EFSA’s website
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