Makhathini Flats, South Africa
February 8, 2006 (IRIN)
Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) - IRIN
UN Office for the Coordination
of Humanitarian Affairs
[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the
United Nations]
Taking a break from spraying his
neat, one-hectare plot of young cotton plants with herbicide,
Moses Mabika surveys the land that has been supporting his
family for 45 years. He may not realise it, but he is standing
at the epicenter of a heated debate about growing genetically
modified (GM) crops in Africa.
The seed that sprouted Mabika's cotton plants was genetically
modified to contain an insecticide that reduces the need to
spray against bollworm, cotton's number one pest.
He will only have to spray his crop once or twice instead of six
times in a season. The resulting savings in chemicals and
labour, as well as higher yields, are supposed to more than
compensate South African farmers like Mabika for the license fee
they must pay to Monsanto, the US-based seed producer that holds
the patent on Bollguard (Bt) cotton.
Mabika is among more than 2,000 smallholder farmers in this
semi-arid area of northeastern KwaZulu-Natal province known as
Makhathini Flats, who began growing GM cotton in 1999. South
Africa is the only country on the continent with legislation in
place that allows GM crops to be grown, and Makhathini Flats is
one of the few areas in Africa where small-scale farmers are
growing GM crops on a significant scale.
Given claims by the biotechnology industry that GM crops have a
role to play in helping lift Africa's small-scale farmers out of
poverty, both supporters and detractors of GM technology have
followed the successes and failures of the Makhathini farmers
with keen interest. Recent parliamentary hearings on amendments
to South Africa's Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Act have
only intensified the scrutiny.
According to Monsanto and its supporters in the biotechnology
industry, the vast majority of Makhathini farmers choose to
plant Bt cotton over conventional seed varieties because they
prefer it.
In a brochure documenting the uptake of Bt cotton in South
Africa, the International Service for the Acquisition of
Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), a non-profit group that
receives financial support from Monsanto, lists the benefits
Makhathini farmers derive from growing Bt cotton as proof that
"agricultural biotechnology, along with other farming
strategies, offers a powerful tool to help farmers in developing
countries improve productivity and enhance health and
socio-economic well-being".
The fact that Monsanto and the ISAAA have presented Makhathini
Flats as a GM success story comes as no surprise to Mariam Mayet
of the African Center for Biosafety.
"There's a lot at stake for Monsanto because if they can't get
it right here, where it's commercially grown by small-scale
farmers, they can't sell it to the rest of Africa," she
Mayet's organisation, in cooperation with Friends of the Earth
Nigeria, recently published a report stating that GM crops have
not benefited consumers, farmers or the environment - only the
biotechnology industry itself.
The report draws on a five-year study initiated by Biowatch
South Africa, which claims that Bt cotton has aggravated rather
than alleviated poverty in Makhathini Flats. According to one of
the study's authors, Elfrieda Pschorn-Strauss, the higher cost
of Bt seed has meant a bigger financial risk for small farmers,
which initially paid off as a result of good weather conditions
and a high level of institutional support, but over a longer
period has left them worse off.
"They stopped planting cotton, they have high debts and now they
are borrowing money from family and friends, reducing the
availability of resources for other needs," Pschorn-Strauss
Mabika is less interested in the GM controversy than how much
rain will fall on his plants this year, and whether the recent
low price of cotton will have improved by the time he delivers
his bales to the local ginnery in May.
Mabika has 10 family members to feed and cotton is their only
source of income. A flood destroyed his crop in 2000 and drought
took its toll in the next two years. Severe arthritis prevented
him from being able to plant last year and only the sale of his
entire herd of goats sustained his family.
Impact of Low Cotton Prices
Were it not for a new scheme sponsored by the provincial
Department of Agriculture to distribute free packs of Bt cotton
seed as well as fertiliser, pesticides and herbicides to farmers
in the area, he could not have planted this year. Even with the
free seed, the costs of renting a tractor to plough and prepare
the soil and hiring labour to assist him meant he could only
afford to cultivate one of his 44 hectares of land.
"It's not really the Bt cotton that's the problem," said
Mabika's brother, Jeremiah, also a cotton farmer. "It's the
price of cotton."
In recent years the world price of cotton has dropped to an all
time low, largely due to the United States and the European
Union heavily subsidising their cotton farmers. The years of
poor weather conditions and low prices have left Makhathini's
cotton growers in debt to the Land Bank to the tune of R20
million (US $3.2 million) and many have abandoned cotton
altogether, although the Department of Agriculture's recent
interventions have lured some back.
The Biowatch-initiated study contends that Bt cotton creates a
dependency on outside institutions and does not provide a
sustainable solution to the Makhathini farmers' problems; even
Monsanto spokesperson Andrew Bennett concedes that without
government support there would be fewer farmers planting it.
But Dave McAllister, who works with small-scale farmers on
behalf of Makhathini Cotton, a local company, points out that
farmers here have very limited options.
"Because of the dry, hot weather conditions and poor soil,
cotton is the only crop they can grow," he explained.
"We want to grow other crops but we can't because there's no
irrigation and no market for them," confirmed Jeremiah Mabika.
Concern Over Market Response
While several other countries in Africa are engaged in GMO
research and development, South Africa has been growing GM crops
for commercial use since the GMO legislation was passed in 1997.
It is estimated that 75-80 percent of cotton plantings, 6-20
percent of maize plantings and 22-30 percent of soy plantings
are now GM varieties, making South Africa the eighth largest
producer in the world.
The GMO amendment bill was introduced mainly for the purpose of
making some relatively minor technical changes to the original
act. But the anti-GM lobby seized on last month's public
hearings as an opportunity to pressure government for stricter
regulations on what they view as a risky new technology allowing
multinational companies to gain control over South Africa's food
and agricultural production.
"The amendments are an opportunity to change what is a
[permissive] law written for industry into a biosafety law,"
said Pschorn-Strauss. "There is, however, no indication that
government will use this opportunity - there is just too much
political pressure."
Biowatch invited several farmers from Makhathini Flats to make
submissions to the hearings; Bhekokwakhe Manukuza was one of
them. He explained that he had decided not to plant Bt cotton
because a sample planting had failed, the initial costs were too
high and he did not want to follow many of his fellow farmers
into debt by borrowing from the Land Bank.
But most of the farmers IRIN spoke to said they chose to grow Bt
cotton over conventional varieties and that they had fallen into
debt for other reasons.
"It's a good seed, but the problem is drought," said Khanyisile
Mlambo, who has been growing Bt cotton since 1999. Last year's
poor rainfall and low cotton price meant she only made R1,000
($160) from the two-and-a-half bales her two-hectare plot had
yielded. Mlambo has yet to repay the R6,000 ($970) she borrowed
from the Land Bank in 2001.
Problem Of A Seed Monopoly
In fact, conventional cottonseed varieties are becoming
increasingly scarce. US-based seed company Delta Pine, which
controls South Africa's entire cottonseed market, has an
agreement with Monsanto to sell its technology. By buying two of
South Africa's largest seed companies in 1999, Monsanto also
controls a 45 percent share of the country's maize seed market
and most of the market in wheat seed.
Even commercial farmers who sing the praises of GM crops have
expressed concern that Monsanto's increasing share of South
Africa's seed market could lead to an eventual monopoly,
allowing the company to increase seed prices to a level that
would be unaffordable to smaller farmers.
While the vast majority of Makhathini's farmers grow Bt cotton,
many of them expressed unease about growing GM crops for
consumption. "None of the farmers grow GM maize," Jeremiah
Mabika noted. "I think it's because it's for them to eat, not to
Similar concerns about the safety of consuming GM foods as well
as the difficulty of exporting them to Europe's predominantly
anti-GM market have so far kept modified crops out of much of
the rest of Africa.
During Southern Africa's 2002 food shortages, the Zambian
government rejected food aid from the United States because it
was genetically modified and several other governments are keen
to protect their farmers and agricultural sectors from becoming
dependant on big foreign biotechnical companies.
Bennett insists that, given the chance, GM crops could help
address hunger in Africa and make communities less dependant on
food aid.
"There's a lot of food being produced in the world," he said.
"The reason we have famine and hunger is because the
infrastructure to deliver that food is not working. The benefit
that biotech can bring is that you can deliver some real
benefits in the vehicle of the seed - the farmer can produce
food more productively where the communities actually are."
Currently, no seed has been successfully modified to withstand
Africa's frequent droughts but, according to Bennett, they are
in the pipeline.
"We would like other varieties of GM cotton," said Jeremiah
Mabika, who is eager to get his hands on a recently licensed
variety that includes Monsanto's trademark 'Round Up Ready'
herbicide as well as the bollworm protection. More than the new
seed variety, though, Mabika would like to have the option of
growing a greater variety of crops.
"The only thing killing the small farmers is drought," he
insisted. "If the government puts in irrigation, we can grow
other things in addition to cotton."