Source: CropBiotech Update
In “A Gene-Based Model to Simulate Soybean
Development and Yield Responses to Environment”, C. D.
Messina and colleagues of the
University of Florida develop and test a procedure meant to
predict how well soybean can grow in certain environments, and
with specific genetic loci. Their work appears in the latest
issue of Crop Science.
An existent model called CROPGRO-Soybean
predicts yields for soybean based on the crop’s surrounding
environment. In this research paper, scientists combined the
model with genetic data. First, a field experiment was carried
out to obtain phenotypic data for a set of near-isogenic lines
with known genotypes at six loci; these data were then used to
estimate cultivar-specific parameters for their model; and,
finally, the same parameters were expressed as linear functions
of the known gene loci.
Researchers combined their gene data with
CROPGRO-Soybean, and were able to more accurately predict the
time to maturity and yield levels of a separate field of
soybeans. Their results suggest that gene-based approaches can
be used to effectively assess cultivar performance, and should
thus be utilized in plant breeding.
Subscribers to Crop Science can read the
complete article at Other
readers can take a look at the abstract at