Ispra, Italy
December 18, 2006
The European Commission's
Joint Research Centre (JRC) has today made available
certified reference materials for the analysis of genetically
modified (GM) cotton and sugar beet.
The release of the two new
materials together with a set of starch-modified potato
materials introduced earlier this year, brings the number of
certified GMO reference materials to 14 provided by the JRC's
Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM)
located in Geel, Belgium.
Certified reference materials are
needed for calibrating the methods used to quantify the GM
content and for controlling the quality of measurements.
Implementing EU legislation on labelling of food and feed
products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
largely depends on the accuracy and reliability of those
For each GMO authorised for food
and feed use in Europe, certified reference materials need to be
available. IRMM is one of the largest reference material
providers in the world, and was the first to produce reference
materials for the analysis of genetically modified materials.
It has developed specialised
techniques for the processing and certification of GMO reference
materials since 1997. The GMO reference materials of IRMM are
produced under the European Reference Materials (ERM®) label
that guarantees the use of best practices in production.
The JRC is playing a leading role
in ensuring a harmonised approach between EU Member States,
industry and stakeholders. It now hosts six Community Reference
Laboratories (CRLs) on food and feed safety in support of
National Reference Laboratories (NRLs).
This includes a CRL for GM food
and feed located at the JRC's Institute for Health and Consumer
Protection (IHCP) in Ispra, Italy, that validates methods for
sampling, identification and detection.
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