Wellington, New Zealand
December 14, 2006
New Zealand Ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) has commissioned an
independent enquiry into the circumstances surrounding recent
imports of sweet corn seeds.
This enquiry will be led by former Secretary for Justice David
Oughton. An initial report is expected by Christmas.
The review will focus on the design and implementation of MAF’s
import health standard relating to imports of Zea mays (maize
and sweet corn family) seeds for sowing, and the decision
support tools available to MAF border inspectors.
Government policy is that no genetically modified (GM) material
should enter New Zealand unless it has been approved by the
Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA). MAF’s role is to
effectively enforce that policy at the border. This enquiry is
intended to assist MAF to strengthen its processes and
procedures to ensure they are up to the task required. |